Daniel 6:1-18 – Daniel Meets the Lions

Read Daniel 6:1-18

If you’re like me, when you think of the prophet Daniel you can’t help but think of lions. It’s a story we’ve been hearing since we were kids in Sunday School (if you were blessed like me to have that background). We can only imagine what Daniel’s encounter was like with the lions after being sealed into their den. Daniel’s example for us never gets old.

However, the first half of the story sets up the situation Daniel found himself in. Maybe you can relate?  Have you ever made someone else jealous? Maybe it was your cute shoes, or your athletic ability, or being the teacher’s pet for your good grades. Jealousy, when it’s out of control, can lead people to do some pretty hurtful things. Continue reading “Daniel 6:1-18 – Daniel Meets the Lions”

Mark 12:28-31 -Do This!

Read Mark 12:28-31

We are several days into Holy Week, or “Semana Santa” as my girls at the orphanage remind me. Don’t worry, they aren’t confusing this holiday with jolly old St. Nick. Holy Week is the time between Jesus’ triumphant arrival in Jerusalem on a donkey’s colt (Palm Sunday) and his glorious resurrection celebrated on Easter. In Mexico, this week is a big deal. Many businesses, schools, and government offices will close this week and next in honor of the most precious holiday, Easter. It’s not about bunnies and pastel colored eggs!

Holy Week is the perfect opportunity to reflect on some of the events Jesus experienced before his death. It’s hard to appreciate the true joy of the empty tomb on Easter and what that means to our faith without walking through some of the dark moments Jesus endured for us. Today’s reading is part of the teaching Jesus did in his final days. What an important message for us!

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2 Chronicles 25:1-28 – Don’t Anger God

Read 2 Chronicles 25:1-28

I find myself shaking my head once again at the actions of these kings. Seriously! I have to remember that while I don’t find bowing down to a sculpture to make any sense at all, I have certainly bowed to plenty of my own idols over the years. Other people may find “my” idols laughable. Why is leaving our idols behind so difficult?

Idolatry is serious business and angers God. Nothing more needs to be said, really. If something makes God mad, and you know it because time and time again you’ve seen God’s response, why keep doing it? I’m guilty as a sinner, too, so these kinds of affirmations are always helpful for me. I want to try harder to stand firmly on the truth.

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Nehemiah 13:1-31 – Reforms Already?

Read Nehemiah 13:1-31

There are some timing issues in this final chapter that often confound the reader, wondering in what order things are happening. Our last reading so positively set the stage for how life would be in Jerusalem. Now Nehemiah swoops in to shake some sense into the Israelites who must have quickly forgotten their purpose.

It’s almost like “when the cat’s away, the mice will play.” Nehemiah had returned to Babylon like he had promised the king before he left for Jerusalem. Nehemiah must have gotten word that the people in Jerusalem were struggling. His faithful leadership was needed again!

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Ezra 10 – A Fresh Start

Read Ezra 10

The book of Ezra closes with a plan of cleansing agreed to by the people. Our last reading identified the problem, and we saw Ezra’s response was to earnestly pray. Today’s reading picks up right there with many other people joining Ezra in his lament.

Were you surprised at how easily the people agreed with Ezra? The plan was put in place to remove the pagan spouses from the land to cleanse the land of foreigners who would not share in the devotion to the LORD, respecting his laws and decrees. The purpose of this cleansing was to remove the “poison” of unbelief from spreading.

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