Job 8:1-22 – Bildad Chimes In

Read Job 8:1-22

It’s Bildad’s turn to open his mouth. Overall, Bildad’s response promotes peace. Bildad is urging Job to hang on, continue maintaining his confidence in God’s justice. But what does the justice of God mean exactly? Again we come back to sinfulness and punishment. Interesting rhetorical question Bildad poses about God twisting justice.

Bildad’s approach to Job in this moment is different from the other friend, Eliphaz. It’s more reassuring, like Bildad is adding to what Eliphaz has already shared, emphasizing the doctrines. Neither friend condemns Job directly. Continue reading “Job 8:1-22 – Bildad Chimes In”

Daniel 6:1-18 – Daniel Meets the Lions

Read Daniel 6:1-18

If you’re like me, when you think of the prophet Daniel you can’t help but think of lions. It’s a story we’ve been hearing since we were kids in Sunday School (if you were blessed like me to have that background). We can only imagine what Daniel’s encounter was like with the lions after being sealed into their den. Daniel’s example for us never gets old.

However, the first half of the story sets up the situation Daniel found himself in. Maybe you can relate?  Have you ever made someone else jealous? Maybe it was your cute shoes, or your athletic ability, or being the teacher’s pet for your good grades. Jealousy, when it’s out of control, can lead people to do some pretty hurtful things. Continue reading “Daniel 6:1-18 – Daniel Meets the Lions”

Daniel 3:19-30 – From Rescue to Promotion

Read Daniel 3:19-30

God showed up, just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew he would. Their faith was unshakable. Yet, they may have been trembling from head to foot when thrown into the furnace. Imagine how quickly that fear turned to wonder when an angel from God joined their party of three.

Think about a time when you felt God’s presence rescuing you. Maybe God intervened and you missed being part of an accident. Maybe you were feeling unsure about a decision, and after praying immediately knew the answer. Continue reading “Daniel 3:19-30 – From Rescue to Promotion”

Daniel 3:1-18 – Stand Firm

Read Daniel 3:1-18

King Nebuchadnezzar’s massive golden statue was as tall as the distance between bases on a baseball diamond and as wide as an alligator. It’s helpful to put the size into perspective, realizing what an “eyesore” this would have been. Especially for Daniel’s friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego!

Word of their refusal to worship the king’s golden idol reached the kings ears. Nebuchadnezzar became furious and sentenced these men to burn up in the furnace, just as he had warned would be the case for anyone who refused to worship the idol. Continue reading “Daniel 3:1-18 – Stand Firm”

Daniel 1:17-21 – What’s Your Superpower?

Read Daniel 1:17-21

While it’s not my intent to go off on a tangent about the spiritual gifts God gives to us, it does apply when we think about our own superpower. That power is fueled by the same source for each of us, the Holy Spirit.

Daniel didn’t know the Holy Spirit yet, but he must have wondered how he and three other men had been given such favor from God. That favor then resulted in approval from man, too. You don’t have the respect and trust of leadership without being special. Daniel was indeed that. Continue reading “Daniel 1:17-21 – What’s Your Superpower?”


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