Psalm 77 – Seek the LORD

Read Psalm 77

If you’re a fan, like me, of “The Chosen” television series about the life of Jesus and his followers, then you may remember this psalm from the last episode of Season 3. The depiction of Asaph presenting this psalm to King David was masterfully woven into the episode. I wanted to share some of my reflections on this psalm with you, as well as a few “spoilers” to connections seen in that final episode of the season.

Having just read the Book of Job together here on the blog makes this psalm even more powerful, doesn’t it? The psalmist is crying out to God from his despair much like I imagine Job did. As you read this psalm, imagine there is an acapella choir chanting eerily in the distance. At each “interlude” there is a break in the words for those voices to swell in lament and reverence to God. Continue reading “Psalm 77 – Seek the LORD”

Job 42:7-17 – Happily Ever After

Read Job 42:7-17

What a perfect conclusion. God’s timing is always perfect. Can you even believe what Job received for his devotion? His time of agony would be a distant memory, although I’m sure his devotion to God would have only grown over the years.

You can’t live through something like that, witnessing God’s hand at work, and not be changed. Have you ever witnessed a miracle or seen answered prayer? The people in Jesus’ day were sure drawn to all the signs and wonders of Jesus. The first followers of Jesus had a front row seat to seeing God in the flesh, too. Job and his friends just heard the voice from the whirlwind. Continue reading “Job 42:7-17 – Happily Ever After”

Job 42:1-6 – How Job Responds to God

Read Job 42:1-6

Job was clearly remorseful for all he had said about God. Especially now that God had finally come forward. Yet who would be prepared for God to say the things he did? Boldly Job took responsibility for being the one who questioned God’s “wisdom with such ignorance.”

To acknowledge your sinfulness so directly and completely takes courage. Job couldn’t help but feel deep guilt and regret, and he faced it head on. Don’t people tend to want to hide their sins and be seen as good? We can’t hide our sins from God and Job knew it. Continue reading “Job 42:1-6 – How Job Responds to God”

Job 41:1-34 – What is a Leviathan?

Read Job 41:1-34

God continues speaking about yet another incredible creature, the Leviathan. Of all the things God could talk about when given this opportunity to speak to his humans, and he speaks of Behemoths and Leviathans. There must be a message in these examples!

So, let’s unpack what we know about Leviathans. Continue reading “Job 41:1-34 – What is a Leviathan?”

Job 40:1-24 – The LORD Said…

Read Job 40:1-24

When I picture having a conversation with God, I don’t see it to be anything like what Job experienced here. After all the distress Job has endured, God’s words must come as further attack. Job can’t catch a break!

What Job doesn’t realize is that there is some pruning going on. Jesus’ words in John 15:1-2 say, “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.” God’s words are fully intended to get Job back into shape. He has been misguided, and God needs to get Job’s attention. Continue reading “Job 40:1-24 – The LORD Said…”


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