Job 16:1-22 – Encouraging Words

Read Job 16:1-22

In case you’re counting, this is Job’s fifth speech. Job is hurting, and he finally tells his friends their words aren’t helping. Job even tells them what it would look like if the tables were turned and they were the ones suffering. Job would be an encourager.

Those are good words for us to hear as caregivers in our day. We may rush to a loved one’s side offering all sorts of “help.” Sometimes, we’re in “fix” mode and words of wisdom come spewing from our mouths, just like Job’s friends did. The problem is “our” perspective isn’t always helpful. What will help most to alleviate the pain is encouragement. Continue reading “Job 16:1-22 – Encouraging Words”

Job 15:17-35 – Who is Wicked?

Read Job 15:17-35

Eliphaz continues his response and seems very focused on what is wicked, or who is wicked. This speech is obsessed with those people who are far away from God. I wonder if Eliphaz thought that’s where Job had drifted. Job had to be far from God to explain everything. People still today blame God for their circumstances.

From the description, nobody in their right mind would want to be wicked, missing out on all the benefits of God. But as I read the “type,” I realized I know a lot of people that would fall into the “wicked” category according to Eliphaz. Did you picture a few in your mind, too? Continue reading “Job 15:17-35 – Who is Wicked?”

Job 15:1-16 – Round Two Begins

Read Job 15:1-16

Eliphaz gets a second turn and begins the next cycle of dialogue. He largely revisits his earlier comments but in a more serious tone. Eliphaz can’t begin to fathom that Job was truthful about being innocent. You don’t call someone a windbag if you don’t think they’re saying too much of the wrong thing.

Job’s friend seems a bit cynical when he is asking Job to let everyone know what sin has been committed. I’m sure Job would oblige if only he knew himself. Friends should challenge each other, but I think Eliphaz takes that a little too far in his attack on Job. Continue reading “Job 15:1-16 – Round Two Begins”

Job 14:7-22 – What’s Next?

Read Job 14:7-22

Job seems to be questioning life, at least the end of life and what happens next. He uses the familiar example of a tree, showing his understanding of that side of nature. But what about death? A fallen leaf is replaced the next Spring, but for humans, what happens after we die?

Job imagines we must evaporate, never to rise again. That’s true in the sense of our physical bodies. They will be laid to rest and will rot in the grave. I’ve never personally exhumed a body but seen plenty of reenactments to know it’s not a pretty sight. When we have the hope of heaven that Jesus ushers in for us, death loses a lot of its mystery. Continue reading “Job 14:7-22 – What’s Next?”

Job 13:20-14:6 – Have I Messed Up?

Read Job 13:20-14:6

Job mustered up a lot of courage in our last reading, and now he boldly takes his stand before God. Job covers a lot of ground. Is there anything we can learn from how he approached God?

Job starts by asking for two things. “Remove your heavy hand from me, and don’t terrify me with your awesome presence.” It’s helpful to remember that Job has never wavered in his awe of the LORD. Job wants to understand what has happened to him and why. Continue reading “Job 13:20-14:6 – Have I Messed Up?”


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