Job 40:1-24 – The LORD Said…

Read Job 40:1-24

When I picture having a conversation with God, I don’t see it to be anything like what Job experienced here. After all the distress Job has endured, God’s words must come as further attack. Job can’t catch a break!

What Job doesn’t realize is that there is some pruning going on. Jesus’ words in John 15:1-2 say, “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.” God’s words are fully intended to get Job back into shape. He has been misguided, and God needs to get Job’s attention. Continue reading “Job 40:1-24 – The LORD Said…”

Job 39:1-30 – God’s Challenge Continues

Read Job 39:1-30

Don’t you love that God stepped down from his throne to be heard? We know the Bible promises God never leaves us. Psalm 34:18 is one of those verses I was reminded of recently, and I thought of Job. The psalmist writes, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” He also rescues us, and we have yet to see what may happen to Job. God never abandoned Job through all of this and determined it was now time to respond.

If Job had been expecting God to reply to all the ranting, was he now surprised that God was posing so many questions? God’s line of questioning would suppose Job was involved in creation. Rather, God was pointing to himself as creator with a bit of a challenge for Job. Did God think that Job had been trying to “play God” or put words in God’s mouth? It seems all the friends were a little guilty of being wrong about God. Continue reading “Job 39:1-30 – God’s Challenge Continues”

Job 38:1-41 – God Answers Job!

Read Job 38:1-41

Don’t rush past verse 1. “Then the Lord answered Job.”  There is a lot of power packed into these words. The word “then” stops us in our tracks as if someone just turned on the light so we can finally see. How climactic! After all the time Job longed to hear from God, God now speaks and tells Job to “Brace yourself.” Hold on and get ready to be wowed!

The whole book of Job hinges on this moment of truth. God’s words are important, but the simple fact that God answers from the whirlwind is huge! It proves God is always present with us, listening to our prayers. After the last 35+ chapters, we’ve heard from Job and his friends, all spinning their wheels, spouting off misguided theology while trying to figure out what is happening. Continue reading “Job 38:1-41 – God Answers Job!”

Job 37:14-24 – Reverence

Read Job 37:14-24

Now Elihu gets personal with Job. I was a little surprised by his tone. It’s like Elihu is corning Job with those questions asking about how God does what he does. None of us has a clue about “how” God does anything. The fact that God is crazy about us and loves us should boggle any mind. Our own feeble minds can’t begin to fathom the supremeness of God.

Were those unfair questions to Job? They seemed a little odd and out of the blue. I’m not sure where Elihu is taking his rant anymore. It seems like his focus on God’s power has now shifted. It’s as if Elihu thinks Job has some special knowledge or “in” with God. Continue reading “Job 37:14-24 – Reverence”

Job 36:22-37:13 – God’s Power

Read Job 36:22-37:13

Focusing on God’s powers and his attributes is something I never get tired of. Elihu gives us real world applications for witnessing God’s power. With all the crazy things happening around us, focusing on the supremacy of God can help us stay positive, help us stay hopeful. When we meet others who feel the same about God’s majesty, it’s a delight. But Elihu’s focus on this power takes a frightening turn.

Elihu uses word pictures of storms, thunderbolts and lightning. Certainly God’s power is evident in nature in all the ways Elihu describes. When we think of the power of nature, we can’t help but look at the beauty, too. For instance, as trees bloom every spring and change their leaf color to brilliant hues in the fall; it’s all in God’s timing. Continue reading “Job 36:22-37:13 – God’s Power”


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