2 Chronicles 20:12 – Cry out to God

“O our God, won’t you stop them? We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us. We do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help.” (2 Chronicles 20:12)

While we might not be facing a mighty army set to attack us, we have plenty of struggles and times in life when we feel powerless. This memory verse gives us the perfect formula in those moments. When we cry out to God in faith, he will deliver us.

Context: This verse is part of King Jehoshaphat’s prayer to God in the face of a threat of war from neighboring nations. What a great example for us to see Jehoshaphat turn to the LORD, begging for guidance. The chapter goes on to tell how God revealed himself to the people of Judah in response to Jehoshaphat’s prayer and the worship of the people. All the people were overjoyed at the victory. It’s quite a story, and you can read more about God’s victory here. Continue reading “2 Chronicles 20:12 – Cry out to God”

Isaiah 26:3-4 – Trusting God

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Trust in the Lord always, for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock.”
(Isaiah 26:3-4)

Perfect peace sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? We can know that peace when we trust in God. Shalom, shalom is what they say on “The Chosen” television series as a greeting to each other. In one episode, they explained it to a non-Jew as signifying perfect peace. What a beautiful way to greet someone, don’t you think?

Context: The section of Isaiah 26 that sings praise to the LORD. “In that day” everyone will sing praise to the LORD. What a beautiful picture that is for us to imagine the whole world recognizing God for the Mighty One he is. These verses are plucked out of the magnificent imagery that Isaiah uses to paint the picture of when we who trust God will finally know perfect peace. Continue reading “Isaiah 26:3-4 – Trusting God”

Romans 3:23 – Don’t Deny It

“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” (Romans 3:23)

There is no denying it. This verse calls us out as we are included in the “everyone” Paul is referring to. What have we done? We have sinned and fallen short of God’s hope for us. Remembering we’re not perfect keeps us honest and keen on realizing we need a Savior. That’s why this memory verse is so powerful.

Context: Paul’s instructions to the Romans in this chapter center around the sinful tendencies of humankind. Paul is quick to remind us that Jesus took our punishment. We can be made right with God not by keeping the law but because of Jesus. This is a key section of Scripture, and this verse is right there in the midst of it. Continue reading “Romans 3:23 – Don’t Deny It”

Matthew 18:20 – Jesus is Here

“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:20)

What a great promise Jesus makes for us in this verse. I don’t know how many times I’ve quoted this when in a small group, or attending a meeting when only a few people show up. How comforting to know Jesus is there. Have you ever set an empty seat out in his honor?

Context: This verse is nestled in a section of chapter 18 where Jesus is addressing conduct between believers. Jesus gave great counsel to what to do when we don’t see eye to eye with other believers. Earlier in the chapter Jesus uses the parable of the lost sheep and talks about becoming like children in terms of the purity of our faith. Continue reading “Matthew 18:20 – Jesus is Here”

Ephesians 6:12 – Who is Your Enemy?

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

Have you ever wondered where you actual enemies were? It’s not the backstabbing coworker or the troublemaker on the playground. This memory verse reminds us that our true enemies are unseen, evil spirits. How does that make you feel? We’re likely to feel uneasy, to the say the least, when we realize that we’re powerless over something we cannot see.

Context: Paul wrote to the Ephesians about these invisible enemies to make a point about God’s power. Again we look at the armor of God as our protection, and this verse explains why it is so important that we allow God to be our defender. For foes such as are described in our verse, we definitely need more than our own power. Continue reading “Ephesians 6:12 – Who is Your Enemy?”


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