Job 38:1-41 – God Answers Job!

Read Job 38:1-41

Don’t rush past verse 1. “Then the Lord answered Job.”  There is a lot of power packed into these words. The word “then” stops us in our tracks as if someone just turned on the light so we can finally see. How climactic! After all the time Job longed to hear from God, God now speaks and tells Job to “Brace yourself.” Hold on and get ready to be wowed!

The whole book of Job hinges on this moment of truth. God’s words are important, but the simple fact that God answers from the whirlwind is huge! It proves God is always present with us, listening to our prayers. After the last 35+ chapters, we’ve heard from Job and his friends, all spinning their wheels, spouting off misguided theology while trying to figure out what is happening. Continue reading “Job 38:1-41 – God Answers Job!”

Job 26:1-14 – What God Does

Read Job 26:1-14

Do you ever feel like you’re at a tennis match as you read the book of Job? We’ve been given a front row seat to watch these friends hash out their thoughts and opinions. When is the last time you did that with a group of friends? It never gets old to just sit around sharing ideas, insights, and experiences with those closest to us.

When friends see things differently, there’s bound to be tension. We’re seeing that between Job and his friends, and we see that in our world today. It seems like everyone has an opinion about something and feels offended when questioned or minimized if not agreed with. I’ve heard of several friendships that have been broken because of differing opinions. Will Job and his friends last as friends? Continue reading “Job 26:1-14 – What God Does”


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