Numbers 15:1-31 – Getting Right With God

Read Numbers 15:1-31

If you’ve spent any time studying in the Law of Moses, it seems that the rite of sacrifices comes up often. Have you ever found it curious that God used all these lovely aromas as a way of forgiving his people?

It wasn’t just burnt offerings of animals, but grain offerings, oil offerings, and now liquid wine offerings. These instructions are set to go into effect when the people reach their new land. Presumably, this will be a young crew of Israelites since none of the older ones who had been complaining would see the Promised Land. Continue reading “Numbers 15:1-31 – Getting Right With God”

John 6:35-40 – Our Purpose

Read John 6:35-40

Even as we’re preparing to celebrate Jesus’ first coming as a helpless babe, we can’t help but remember his life and some of the great lessons he taught us. In this passage, Jesus teaches of the last day and the reason he came in the first place.

What did Jesus say about that? “For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will.” That’s good counsel for us as well when we wonder what our purpose in life is. We can ponder all day long why God created us. What is our job on earth? I love how Rick Warren’s book, “The Purpose Driven Life,” breaks it down into five purposes. They all point back to loving God and others while doing his will. The high schoolers at the orphanage are walking through that book with me, and it’s been great to see the lightbulbs going on that will help them in life to live how God desires. Continue reading “John 6:35-40 – Our Purpose”

Job 35:1-16 – God’s Justice

Read Job 35:1-16

Elihu does not hold back from lashing out at Job for the errors in Job’s words and reasoning. I tend to give Job a little more credit that Elihu does, simply because he’s the one who has been devastated. That he has any faith at all is surprising.

What did you think of how Elihu speaks of our behavior? “If you are good, is this some great gift to him? What could you possibly give him?” In Elihu’s estimation, our goodness is irrelevant to God. I would take a different stance and say that our goodness blesses God. It’s not that he “needs” it, but God desires a relationship with his creation. With us. Continue reading “Job 35:1-16 – God’s Justice”

Ezekiel 48:1-35 – God is There

Read Ezekiel 48:1-35

Ezekiel’s vision concludes with more details about the Holy City and the surrounding lands. This city was to be called “Yahweh Shammah” which is Hebrew for “the LORD is there.”  God’s chosen people are again singled out as the twelve tribes made up of Jacob’s sons. After all that has taken place, the wars, the idol worship, the exile, God still envisions he will be with his people.

While there are many specifics set forth in this vision, this prophecy remains unfulfilled. I wonder why the land wasn’t restored as Ezekiel was shown when the returnees were freed from exile. Ezra and Nehemiah led the way and yet the details of this vision were not used in their reconstruction projects of the temple and wall of protection. Why? Continue reading “Ezekiel 48:1-35 – God is There”

2 Chronicles 35:1-19 – Behind the Scenes

Read 2 Chronicles 35:1-19

King Josiah has discovered an ancient business plan that he can put in place, seamlessly employing his whole kingdom in a God-honoring way. Josiah can be “behind the scenes” and throw an amazing celebration of historic proportions.

Celebrating Passover was also found in the Chronicler’s account of King Hezekiah’s rule. He, too, celebrated Passover in a big way, but in this passage, the Chronicler makes it seem like Josiah paved the way as the first king to celebrate Passover like that. Why do you think there is a difference? Continue reading “2 Chronicles 35:1-19 – Behind the Scenes”


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