John 6:35-40 – Our Purpose

Read John 6:35-40

Even as we’re preparing to celebrate Jesus’ first coming as a helpless babe, we can’t help but remember his life and some of the great lessons he taught us. In this passage, Jesus teaches of the last day and the reason he came in the first place.

What did Jesus say about that? “For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will.” That’s good counsel for us as well when we wonder what our purpose in life is. We can ponder all day long why God created us. What is our job on earth? I love how Rick Warren’s book, “The Purpose Driven Life,” breaks it down into five purposes. They all point back to loving God and others while doing his will. The high schoolers at the orphanage are walking through that book with me, and it’s been great to see the lightbulbs going on that will help them in life to live how God desires. Continue reading “John 6:35-40 – Our Purpose”


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