John 6:44 – God Moves

“For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up.” (John 6:44)

Not only is this a great memory verse, but it is also packed with truths we don’t often reflect on. What did Jesus mean when he said it? Who was he talking to? Those are the kinds of questions that get answered when we look at the context or bigger picture. Always ask, “what can I learn from where this single verse got plucked?”

Context: In this case, there is a lot going on in Chapter 6 of John’s gospel. So many stories of Jesus, including the feeding of the 5,000 with a few fish and loaves of bread, and the memorable episode of Jesus walking on the water. By verse 44, Jesus is responding to a group of people in the crowd who were questioning his reference to himself and eternal life. How could just a “normal” person make such claims? Jesus’ statement to them is bold and very direct. We can glean truth from these words. Continue reading “John 6:44 – God Moves”

John 1:1-5 – The Word

Read John 1:1-5

The gospel of John doesn’t spend any time with the shepherds and angels surrounding Jesus. Rather, John gets right to the point and connects some dots for us. He reveals Jesus to us as the Word who has always existed. He was with God at creation, and John tells us he is God. John had a special relationship with Jesus, and his opening lines are powerful.

As we picture Jesus as a helpless babe in the manger, we must remember his majesty. These verses do just that for us. Jesus was no ordinary baby. John reminds us that Jesus didn’t just appear. Our forever king was always Jesus. At Christmas we celebrate when that forever king became flesh and bone like us. Continue reading “John 1:1-5 – The Word”

John 6:35-40 – Our Purpose

Read John 6:35-40

Even as we’re preparing to celebrate Jesus’ first coming as a helpless babe, we can’t help but remember his life and some of the great lessons he taught us. In this passage, Jesus teaches of the last day and the reason he came in the first place.

What did Jesus say about that? “For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will.” That’s good counsel for us as well when we wonder what our purpose in life is. We can ponder all day long why God created us. What is our job on earth? I love how Rick Warren’s book, “The Purpose Driven Life,” breaks it down into five purposes. They all point back to loving God and others while doing his will. The high schoolers at the orphanage are walking through that book with me, and it’s been great to see the lightbulbs going on that will help them in life to live how God desires. Continue reading “John 6:35-40 – Our Purpose”

Christmas 📖 John 1:1-14 – Word

Read John 1:1-14

Our Christmas reading selections would not be complete without this passage from John’s gospel. There are no smelly stables or glowing angels in this story, only powerful messages about who Jesus is! We often forget that Jesus played an instrumental role in creation. He is also the Word bringing light to everyone.

Jesus is the “true light” available to all. Yet there are many people who reject the light of Christ in their lives. Either they don’t know the joy of Jesus’ saving grace, have never heard about Jesus, or have decided they don’t need Jesus because everything is “good.” How do you get across to this dark world that life can be so much better than “good” with Jesus in it?

Continue reading “Christmas 📖 John 1:1-14 – Word”

Advent 🏠 John 14:1-3 – Trust

Have you ever wondered where Jesus went when he left his followers on the mountain that day? Luke tells us in Acts 1 about Jesus’ ascension. In his last in-person appearance, Jesus was “taken up into a cloud while they were watching, and they could no longer see him.” (Acts 1:9) Surely the disciples must have wondered where he went!

Jesus had prepared them, and these verses from John 14:1-3 tell us where Jesus might have gone.

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.”

Continue reading “Advent 🏠 John 14:1-3 – Trust”

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