Numbers 3:1-13 – Calling the Levites

Read Numbers 3:1-13

This reading was helpful for me. It connected some dots about the origins of the relationship between Levites and the priests. I love the collaboration and bond that grew out of God’s desired leadership for his people. Of course, God knew that Aaron would need help.

Moses and Aaron were clearly favored individuals in God’s eyes. They were given such important jobs in helping the people along on their faith and life journey. Faith was always meant to be part of our lives. Out of that faith comes our devotion. Today we look to church leadership, online pastors, and Bible teachers to help us understand God and introduce the importance of being in a right relationship with God. Continue reading “Numbers 3:1-13 – Calling the Levites”

Numbers 2:1-34 – Keep God in the Center

Read Numbers 2:1-34

With so many of God’s people roaming around in the wilderness, it makes sense that God would command them to be orderly. I can just imagine the chaos of establishing a highly mobile residence in a desert-like region like that if each tribe didn’t have their assigned space.

When it came time to move, there was also an order for leaving established for the clan leadership to follow. I had a flashback to being in school, choosing line leaders, and lining up at the designated time to walk the halls. Classrooms also had their dismissal order to follow. Having an orderly progression helped us students know when and where to move. For the Israelites’, God thought of everything! Continue reading “Numbers 2:1-34 – Keep God in the Center”

Numbers 1:1-54 – Get Registered!

Read Numbers 1:1-54

The Book of Numbers meets up with the Israelites as they are about to move the Tabernacle of God’s presence. They have been settled near Mt. Sinai for a year or so after their departure from Egypt. You’ll recall from the book of Exodus how God’s miraculous rescue led Moses and his Israelites to safety.

The stories of God’s interventions will continue because God desires communion with his people. In today’s reading, God has commanded the first census be taken. It was apparently important to have a count of those men at the appropriate age to be warriors. God knew conquests would take place as his chosen people entered the Promised Land. Continue reading “Numbers 1:1-54 – Get Registered!”


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