Numbers 34:1-29 – Boundaries

Read Numbers 34:1-29

Talk about accountability! Soon the Promised Land will be ready to be distributed among the tribes. Not only are we given the physical boundaries of where this land lies, we’re told who God has entrusted in its distribution by sacred lots. This means these leaders will be seeking God’s input for this whole process.

Many things have yet to happen before the actual distribution begins, like crossing the river and fighting the locals. But again, God prepared the way so there would be no questions. Even though Moses won’t be there to see it all take place, he can rest easy knowing that God has spoken such wisdom through him preparing the priest, Joshua, and the tribal representatives. Continue reading “Numbers 34:1-29 – Boundaries”

Ezekiel 38:1-23 – Gog Who?

Read Ezekiel 38:1-23

When I read the name Gog, my mind immediately went to video games and the digital platform by the same name. But in this case, God refers to someone he wants to contact. In fact, this is the first of two readings we’ll have in the “episode” about Gog.

Scholars have puzzled over who this “Gog” represents. Gog isn’t one of the “regular” enemies of God we read about. If not a particular historical person, then perhaps God was referring to Gog as a symbol for evil. Continue reading “Ezekiel 38:1-23 – Gog Who?”

2 Chronicles 22:1-12 – A Family Affair

Read 2 Chronicles 22:1-12

God will always make a way for his will to be done—especially when a divine promise is involved. Jehoram’s remaining and youngest son, Ahaziah had a very short, yearlong reign. His mother, Athaliah, interferes, but God doesn’t allow her to kill of the potential heirs to the throne as Ahaziah’s replacement. Brilliant!

It’s helpful to remember that Ahaziah’s mother was the daughter of King Ahab, the evil king that had ruled Israel. The evil of that nation had tremendous influence it seems with Judah’s last two rulers. The intermarriage between Israel and Judah a generation ago was wreaking havoc on God’s plan for his people.

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 22:1-12 – A Family Affair”

1 Chronicles 22:1-19 – The Temple

Read 1 Chronicles 22:1-19

Turns out the threshing floor location David purchased for his sacrifice in our last reading will become the eventual building site for the temple. Isn’t it great to see how God works behind the scenes to make things happen? God can and will use our mistakes, brokenness, and sinful decisions for good, turning them into something beautiful.

With this chapter, we are beginning the wind down of David’s reign as he prepares his successor, son Solomon. The material in this closing section of 1 Chronicles is unique to this book. We don’t have any parallel story lines from other Biblical passages. Today we see how David aids Solomon for what God will be doing in his life. Isn’t that what any good father would do, prepare their child for the future?

Continue reading “1 Chronicles 22:1-19 – The Temple”

Ecclesiates 6:10-12 – What’s Your Future?

Read Ecclesiastes 6:10-12

This passage oozes with the notion of predestination. That’s a “churchy” word meaning different things to different people. Known as a Christian doctrine for some denominations, it has been debated by theologians for centuries. Basically, it means that God has figured everything out ahead of time, knows what’s going to happen in our lives, and there is nothing we can do to change it. Does that give you assurance or scare you just a little bit?

In terms of our salvation, however, this can be a bit unnerving. What if God didn’t “choose” me to be saved? I have a hard time believing that some people of faith would not be saved because they weren’t “predestined.” After all, Jesus commanded us to evangelize and make new disciples. Why would he do that if it was already predestined who would be saved?

Continue reading “Ecclesiates 6:10-12 – What’s Your Future?”

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