Ezekiel 38:1-23 – Gog Who?

Read Ezekiel 38:1-23

When I read the name Gog, my mind immediately went to video games and the digital platform by the same name. But in this case, God refers to someone he wants to contact. In fact, this is the first of two readings we’ll have in the “episode” about Gog.

Scholars have puzzled over who this “Gog” represents. Gog isn’t one of the “regular” enemies of God we read about. If not a particular historical person, then perhaps God was referring to Gog as a symbol for evil. Continue reading “Ezekiel 38:1-23 – Gog Who?”

Ezekiel 14:1-11 – What’s Lurking in Your Heart?

Read Ezekiel 14:1-11

If God can see idols hidden in the hearts of Israelites, imagine what he can see in our hearts! It’s a little frightening to know we are like open books to God, yet at the same time refreshing. The latter is true when we have welcomed the Holy Spirit to reside within and cleanse us.

Some people avoid passages like this because they don’t want to examine their own failings. They can’t imagine having a God that is that interested in their hearts, feeling limited to “do their own thing.” Yet the time is now to take inventory of what may be lurking in our own hearts. Continue reading “Ezekiel 14:1-11 – What’s Lurking in Your Heart?”

Jeremiah 22:10-30 – The Fate of Three Kings

Read Jeremiah 22:10-30

golden crown with jewels

Jeremiah’s warning is very specific in today’s reading. His prophetic words speak loudest to the three kings involved. But what powerful news to the people who will witness their leadership being taken down exactly as Jeremiah’s words from God predict!

If you haven’t trekked your way through Judah’s history in 1st and 2nd Kings, then these names may be a bit unfamiliar. Suffice it to say the reign of these kings did not last for long periods, and there wasn’t a lot of God honoring behavior going on. King Josiah was the last king to seek the truth of God’s wisdom while trying to reform the people.

Continue reading “Jeremiah 22:10-30 – The Fate of Three Kings”

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