Ezekiel 14:1-11 – What’s Lurking in Your Heart?

Read Ezekiel 14:1-11

If God can see idols hidden in the hearts of Israelites, imagine what he can see in our hearts! It’s a little frightening to know we are like open books to God, yet at the same time refreshing. The latter is true when we have welcomed the Holy Spirit to reside within and cleanse us.

Some people avoid passages like this because they don’t want to examine their own failings. They can’t imagine having a God that is that interested in their hearts, feeling limited to “do their own thing.” Yet the time is now to take inventory of what may be lurking in our own hearts. Continue reading “Ezekiel 14:1-11 – What’s Lurking in Your Heart?”

Mark 8:31-33 – Jesus Speaks of His Death

Read Mark 8:31-33

Can you imagine what the disciples were thinking when Jesus shared this information with them? Clearly, Peter wasn’t ready to hear such things. Jesus chose to openly communicate these events with his closest followers. It must have sounded like crazy talk. This is the first time Jesus mentions his death.

As bizarre as it sounded, the disciples were already seeing how the religious leaders were out to get Jesus. It’s hard to wrap your mind around the fact that those trying to please God with their rule following and reading of the scrolls (or Hebrew scriptures) would be so instrumental in what will happen to Jesus. The disciples had to be a bit confused.

Continue reading “Mark 8:31-33 – Jesus Speaks of His Death”

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