Mark 9:30-32 – Jesus Says He’s Going to Die Again

Read Mark 9:30-32

Here we have the second time Jesus spoke of his death in Mark’s gospel. The disciples still don’t get it. By now, they seem hesitant to ask for clarification. Has that ever happened to you? You have a question for a teacher or professor and are afraid to ask because of how you may look? I wonder what held the disciples back from asking Jesus to explain. Maybe they remembered Peter being called Satan the last time Jesus spoke like this.

What I liked about this passage is the intimacy Jesus displays. He wanted to lay low, avoid clamoring crowds, and just spend time with his disciples. I suppose that struck a chord with me because my love language is “quality time.” Jesus was desiring special time with his followers. He still desires that from us today.

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Mark 8:31-33 – Jesus Speaks of His Death

Read Mark 8:31-33

Can you imagine what the disciples were thinking when Jesus shared this information with them? Clearly, Peter wasn’t ready to hear such things. Jesus chose to openly communicate these events with his closest followers. It must have sounded like crazy talk. This is the first time Jesus mentions his death.

As bizarre as it sounded, the disciples were already seeing how the religious leaders were out to get Jesus. It’s hard to wrap your mind around the fact that those trying to please God with their rule following and reading of the scrolls (or Hebrew scriptures) would be so instrumental in what will happen to Jesus. The disciples had to be a bit confused.

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