Titus 3:5 – Sweet Mercy

“[H]e saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.” (Titus 3:5)

Far too often Christians strut around touting their salvation as if it was something they deserved for righteous living. That’s not a good look on us! Our salvation is not based on anything we do or have done. This memory verse helps us keep that truth straight. We only have this hope because our God is merciful.

Context: Our verse of the day is part of a section called, “Do What is Good.” The author starts by pointing to elected officials challenging them to do good and quickly shifts to us and our own sinful tendencies. The generosity of God to his disobedient followers knows no bounds. That’s the tone of the texts surrounding our verse today. Continue reading “Titus 3:5 – Sweet Mercy”

Numbers 2:1-34 – Keep God in the Center

Read Numbers 2:1-34

With so many of God’s people roaming around in the wilderness, it makes sense that God would command them to be orderly. I can just imagine the chaos of establishing a highly mobile residence in a desert-like region like that if each tribe didn’t have their assigned space.

When it came time to move, there was also an order for leaving established for the clan leadership to follow. I had a flashback to being in school, choosing line leaders, and lining up at the designated time to walk the halls. Classrooms also had their dismissal order to follow. Having an orderly progression helped us students know when and where to move. For the Israelites’, God thought of everything! Continue reading “Numbers 2:1-34 – Keep God in the Center”

Luke 3:7-18 – John’s Message

Read Luke 3:7-18

We met John in our last Advent reading. His preaching was certainly no nonsense as he prepared the people to meet Jesus. By this time, Jesus was all grown up. You may recall earlier in Luke when John’s mother, Elizabeth, was visited by Jesus’ mother, Mary, while pregnant with Jesus. Even while in his mother’s womb, John couldn’t stay still in Jesus’ presence. John could sense even then that Jesus was someone to be honored and celebrated.

How does John describe Jesus in this passage? As someone “greater than I am—so much greater that I’m not even worthy to be his slave and untie the straps of his sandals.” Imagine having grown up as cousins with Jesus, the Messiah. For others to be ready to meet the Messiah, the people needed to act. Here, John gives them tangible examples of changes they should make to be ready for Jesus. Continue reading “Luke 3:7-18 – John’s Message”

Ezekiel 37:1-14 – Them Dry Bones

Read Ezekiel 37:1-14

This passage is one of those memorable ones we always recognize and associate with Ezekiel. If you’re like me, you have the “Dry Bones Song” going through your head, recalling how all the bones connect and then walk around. The lyrics say Ezekiel tells us to “hear the word of the Lord!” That’s exactly what Ezekiel was doing – hearing and listening to God, and then taking action by doing what God says.

This is another one of those “transporting” visions where Ezekiel is whisked away. This time he is standing in the middle of a valley with dried up bones scattered all around him. What do you think Ezekiel was thinking in this moment before the teachable moment he received from God? Continue reading “Ezekiel 37:1-14 – Them Dry Bones”

Ezekiel 15:1-8 – Wood of the Vine

Read Ezekiel 15:1-8

Normally, when we think about a vine in Biblical terms, we imagine it bearing fruit or talking about Jesus, the “true vine.” Yet Ezekiel’s message is not dealing with fruit at all, In fact, the LORD surprisingly said, “Vines are useless both before and after being put into the fire!”

Other Biblical references speak of the “fruit of the vine” or bearing fruit, but Ezekiel’s vines don’t appear to be fruitful. When compared to a mighty tree of the forest, the wood of a vine would be pretty wimpy or useless for tasks known to be handled well by other wood sources, like trees. Continue reading “Ezekiel 15:1-8 – Wood of the Vine”


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