Numbers 2:1-34 – Keep God in the Center

Read Numbers 2:1-34

With so many of God’s people roaming around in the wilderness, it makes sense that God would command them to be orderly. I can just imagine the chaos of establishing a highly mobile residence in a desert-like region like that if each tribe didn’t have their assigned space.

When it came time to move, there was also an order for leaving established for the clan leadership to follow. I had a flashback to being in school, choosing line leaders, and lining up at the designated time to walk the halls. Classrooms also had their dismissal order to follow. Having an orderly progression helped us students know when and where to move. For the Israelites’, God thought of everything! Continue reading “Numbers 2:1-34 – Keep God in the Center”

Christmas 📜 Isaiah 7:14 – Immanuel

“All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel
(which means ‘God is with us’). “ (Isaiah 7:14)

I love that the name Immanuel means “God is with us.” What a perfect name for Jesus. He came into the dark world he loved so much to be with us, to be one of us. Knowing Jesus is with us gives us hope for tomorrow and makes the world a little brighter.

It’s interesting to know the back story of this prophecy from Isaiah. Right before this, Isaiah had been speaking with King Ahaz. You may recall Ahaz was one of those wicked kings that did detestable things. (2 Kings 16) It was during his 16-year reign that Ahaz feared a takeover by Israel and it’s ally, Assyria. God’s message through Isaiah had been that no invasion would take place.

Continue reading “Christmas 📜 Isaiah 7:14 – Immanuel”

December 1 🌟 The Lord Is With You (2 Samuel 7:1-16)

Read 2 Samuel 7:1-16

statue of small person huddled in and surrounded by larger hands cupped around it

The promise to David is so much bigger than David could have ever imagined, isn’t it? David would have success in life and as king because of God’s hand on his life. David’s devotion to the LORD would be so fervent that no king after him could emulate such loyalty.

God said about David, “Now I will make your name as famous as anyone who has ever lived on the earth!” Until Jesus. Jesus is the ultimate king of this dynasty that God promised David. “Your house and your kingdom will continue before me for all time, and your throne will be secure forever.”

Continue reading “December 1 🌟 The Lord Is With You (2 Samuel 7:1-16)”

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