John 1:1-5 – The Word

Read John 1:1-5

The gospel of John doesn’t spend any time with the shepherds and angels surrounding Jesus. Rather, John gets right to the point and connects some dots for us. He reveals Jesus to us as the Word who has always existed. He was with God at creation, and John tells us he is God. John had a special relationship with Jesus, and his opening lines are powerful.

As we picture Jesus as a helpless babe in the manger, we must remember his majesty. These verses do just that for us. Jesus was no ordinary baby. John reminds us that Jesus didn’t just appear. Our forever king was always Jesus. At Christmas we celebrate when that forever king became flesh and bone like us. Continue reading “John 1:1-5 – The Word”

Luke 2:1-20 – The Birth Story

Read Luke 2:1-20

What a birth story! Any mom will tell you their story of what happened during their pregnancy and delivery. There is something precious and holy about the miracle of life that breaks forth from our bodies. While memory of the pain of childbirth fades, other details are held dear as a precious treasure. There is no greater joy than to see your baby for the first time. Is that what Mary was feeling in this story? Imagine Mary looking at her son, and it was the LORD looking back at her.

This story can become too familiar when we hear it year after year. How do we keep it fresh so that the joy and wonder can be felt afresh each time we read it? We can insert ourselves into the story and imagine we were there as a shepherd or even a barn animal looking on. A different vantage point brings fresh perspective. We can also try to set aside everything we know and read the story as if it’s the first time we heard it. Continue reading “Luke 2:1-20 – The Birth Story”

Christmas 📖 John 1:1-14 – Word

Read John 1:1-14

Our Christmas reading selections would not be complete without this passage from John’s gospel. There are no smelly stables or glowing angels in this story, only powerful messages about who Jesus is! We often forget that Jesus played an instrumental role in creation. He is also the Word bringing light to everyone.

Jesus is the “true light” available to all. Yet there are many people who reject the light of Christ in their lives. Either they don’t know the joy of Jesus’ saving grace, have never heard about Jesus, or have decided they don’t need Jesus because everything is “good.” How do you get across to this dark world that life can be so much better than “good” with Jesus in it?

Continue reading “Christmas 📖 John 1:1-14 – Word”

Christmas 🆓 Galatians 4:4-7 – Freedom

Read Galatians 4:4-7

The Christmas season continues as we celebrate Jesus’ coming into this world. We have been reflecting on how this little baby brought truth, wisdom, and faith. Paul is describing for us how our inheritance of faith works in today’s reading. Paul had been talking about how until Jesus, people had been like slaves to the law. Jesus’ coming changed that for us when he brought freedom.

There are some great nuggets we don’t want to miss in this reading. The first one is that Jesus came at just the right time. God’s timing is always perfect. We may wish for things to happen on our timeline, but when we can let go and let God, that’s when the miracles happen. Is there something you need to let go of so God can step in without you being in the way?

Continue reading “Christmas 🆓 Galatians 4:4-7 – Freedom”

Christmas 📜 Isaiah 7:14 – Immanuel

“All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel
(which means ‘God is with us’). “ (Isaiah 7:14)

I love that the name Immanuel means “God is with us.” What a perfect name for Jesus. He came into the dark world he loved so much to be with us, to be one of us. Knowing Jesus is with us gives us hope for tomorrow and makes the world a little brighter.

It’s interesting to know the back story of this prophecy from Isaiah. Right before this, Isaiah had been speaking with King Ahaz. You may recall Ahaz was one of those wicked kings that did detestable things. (2 Kings 16) It was during his 16-year reign that Ahaz feared a takeover by Israel and it’s ally, Assyria. God’s message through Isaiah had been that no invasion would take place.

Continue reading “Christmas 📜 Isaiah 7:14 – Immanuel”

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