Christmas 📖 John 1:1-14 – Word

In the beginning was the Word against a dark sky with a bright light

Read John 1:1-14

Our Christmas reading selections would not be complete without this passage from John’s gospel. There are no smelly stables or glowing angels in this story, only powerful messages about who Jesus is! We often forget that Jesus played an instrumental role in creation. He is also the Word bringing light to everyone.

Jesus is the “true light” available to all. Yet there are many people who reject the light of Christ in their lives. Either they don’t know the joy of Jesus’ saving grace, have never heard about Jesus, or have decided they don’t need Jesus because everything is “good.” How do you get across to this dark world that life can be so much better than “good” with Jesus in it?

Even when Jesus came, our text reminds us people didn’t recognize who he was, even though they had been waiting for him a long time. Others rejected him. I can only imagine how that rejection must have felt! Thankfully, our text reassures us that not everybody was blind. “But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.” What an awesome reward so many people are missing out on.

How do you respond to being included as a child of God? For me, that realization brings with it peace that comforts. I think of all the “comfort food” I use to graze on when we lived in the United States. I let the trappings of the world crowd out my joy and food seemed to be my “go-to.” Food does not bring lasting peace, even if it tastes delectable.

Originally, I thought I would reflect only on verse 14, but there is so much beauty in this passage I had to include it all. Verse 14 reads: “So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.” We learn so much about Jesus in this one verse.

Not only was Jesus the Word, he became human. He wasn’t always human, but he was always God. He was always the truth. Why did Jesus become human you might ask? To make his home among us, to understand our needs and what it “feels like” to be human. He wanted us to be able to trust him by being relatable.

I’ve used this example before because I love it so much. The author is unknown, but radio broadcaster, Paul Harvey regularly shared this story, “The Man and the Birds” at Christmas. Here is a print version you can read. This Christmas parable always brings a tear to my eye when I think about how much God loves us–that he would leave his heavenly home to become human.

Are there other nuggets of truth revealed in this passage that spoke to your heart today? Are you ready to start the new year with a fresh perspective, knowing Jesus is the word made flesh and that you are a child of God? What are three ways you are going to display your faith in action in the coming year? Think on that today.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray.

Thank you, Lord, for becoming human. The miracle of your incarnation takes my breath away. Your desire to communicate with me, with all of your creation, is astounding. You are worthy of so much honor and respect. Forgive me for when I ignore you or don’t give you the attention I desire. Empower and use me to help others find you, those who have rejected you or don’t recognize you even today. For loved ones and friends who have strayed, I pray they find their way back to you. Bless each encounter as I shine for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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