Christmas 🆓 Galatians 4:4-7 – Freedom

seagull flying in the blue sky and clouds

Read Galatians 4:4-7

The Christmas season continues as we celebrate Jesus’ coming into this world. We have been reflecting on how this little baby brought truth, wisdom, and faith. Paul is describing for us how our inheritance of faith works in today’s reading. Paul had been talking about how until Jesus, people had been like slaves to the law. Jesus’ coming changed that for us when he brought freedom.

There are some great nuggets we don’t want to miss in this reading. The first one is that Jesus came at just the right time. God’s timing is always perfect. We may wish for things to happen on our timeline, but when we can let go and let God, that’s when the miracles happen. Is there something you need to let go of so God can step in without you being in the way?

The second nugget I see is how Paul acknowledges the importance of the law. Jesus’ mother had been “subject to the law” and that tells us Mary was obedient to God. Of all the the young maidens, God chose her to be the mother of his son. The reward for her faithfulness was indescribable. Her own son would be the one to set her free.

We often take our freedom for granted. Before Jesus, it was exhausting trying to be obedient to all the laws laid out by God. There are over 600 laws, not just the Ten Commandment’s we’re most familiar with! That’s why so many people strayed from God because they just couldn’t follow them all. Rather than be disgraced by trying and failing, they just stopped trying.

I don’t think God put those laws in place to limit us but to protect us. That’s what a good parent does. Our heavenly Father did not want us to harm ourselves or others, and he wanted our obedience and trust. The laws are what set our boundaries and revealed the heart of God. But, there are a lot of them!

Paul reminds us we are God’s children. God has set our boundaries, and we appreciate that. Jesus sent his spirit to live inside us to keep us on track, helping us recognize God as our “Abba, Father.” To refer to God in that manner signifies an intimate bond. We can liken it the closeness we feel when we call our own earthly fathers, “Daddy.” Have you ever thought about calling God, “Daddy?”

“And since you are his child, God has made you his heir.” How does that statement make you feel? Thank Jesus for bringing freedom to all God’s children from the shackles of the law as well as making you an heir to the kingdom!

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray.

Abba Father, your timing is perfect. I give you thanks for each interaction you orchestrate for me. You are a wonderful parent, and I love you. Forgive me when I question your timing and get impatient. Sustain me through the challenges of this day so that I can shine brightly for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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