Galatians 4:4-5 – God’s Child

Read Galatians 4:4-5

God’ Son is Jesus, but we can call ourselves “children” of God according to these words from Paul. Stop for a moment to reflect on what it means to be a child of God. It’s comforting, isn’t it? It sure makes me look at the world a little differently. I’m pretty sure most of the people walking down the street don’t know Jesus like I do and know they can be children of God, too.

This is an interesting passage to use for an Advent reflection, but it speaks to Jesus’ role in the world then and now. It’s a bit of the gospel, Jesus’ birth story, and our future hope all wrapped up together. What jumped out to you in this reading? Continue reading “Galatians 4:4-5 – God’s Child”

1 Chronicles 18:1-17 – Victory

Read 1 Chronicles 18:1-17

David can’t lose with God by his side. The military victories continue to add up. For each battle, there are casualties. It’s easy to read passages like this and forget that real people shed their blood for these victories to happen.

Some people avoid reading the Old Testament because of all the wars and killing. God had a purpose in all David’s victories, even if we have a hard time understanding. It’s good for us to remember that not every war ever fought was led by God. When God leads us, who are we to question what tactic he uses?

Continue reading “1 Chronicles 18:1-17 – Victory”

Christmas 🆓 Galatians 4:4-7 – Freedom

Read Galatians 4:4-7

The Christmas season continues as we celebrate Jesus’ coming into this world. We have been reflecting on how this little baby brought truth, wisdom, and faith. Paul is describing for us how our inheritance of faith works in today’s reading. Paul had been talking about how until Jesus, people had been like slaves to the law. Jesus’ coming changed that for us when he brought freedom.

There are some great nuggets we don’t want to miss in this reading. The first one is that Jesus came at just the right time. God’s timing is always perfect. We may wish for things to happen on our timeline, but when we can let go and let God, that’s when the miracles happen. Is there something you need to let go of so God can step in without you being in the way?

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Colossians 3:1-11 – Your Real Life

Read Colossians 3:1-11

man with his arms outstretched facing a yellow and orange sunset

Did you have a sense of hope or dread as you read today’s passage? These words can bring a sense of peace or drive us crazy because we feel so limited. Look at the list of these we’re supposed to be careful of. Which of these behaviors sounds appealing? Be honest.

Paul says we’ve all done these things. “You used to do these things when your life was still part of this world.”  What changed? How come we’re not “part of this world” any longer? We met Jesus. “For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.”

Continue reading “Colossians 3:1-11 – Your Real Life”

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