Numbers 21:21-35 – Fighting our Battles

Read Numbers 21:21-35

The pattern of God protecting his people and fighting their battles continues here. The Israelites are marching their way through foreign lands on their way to the Promised Land. Two more kingdoms have now fallen as a result of God’s hand of protection.

I never like to dwell on the reality that lots of people died in these verses. Why does it somehow seem okay because that’s what God allowed to happen? It was a means to an end. God’s people were granted victories over these ruling kings because of God’s power, that’s what God wanted them to see. Continue reading “Numbers 21:21-35 – Fighting our Battles”

1 Chronicles 18:1-17 – Victory

Read 1 Chronicles 18:1-17

David can’t lose with God by his side. The military victories continue to add up. For each battle, there are casualties. It’s easy to read passages like this and forget that real people shed their blood for these victories to happen.

Some people avoid reading the Old Testament because of all the wars and killing. God had a purpose in all David’s victories, even if we have a hard time understanding. It’s good for us to remember that not every war ever fought was led by God. When God leads us, who are we to question what tactic he uses?

Continue reading “1 Chronicles 18:1-17 – Victory”

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