Read Numbers 21:21-35
The pattern of God protecting his people and fighting their battles continues here. The Israelites are marching their way through foreign lands on their way to the Promised Land. Two more kingdoms have now fallen as a result of God’s hand of protection.
I never like to dwell on the reality that lots of people died in these verses. Why does it somehow seem okay because that’s what God allowed to happen? It was a means to an end. God’s people were granted victories over these ruling kings because of God’s power, that’s what God wanted them to see.
How often do we give God the credit for our own victories? How much more victorious would be in life if we depended more on God? Those are some great questions to wrestle with considering this text.
Do you think Moses and the people were surprised at the victories? Did doubt ever creep in that they may die at the hand of these troops? We should never underestimate God’s power. I love what the apostle Paul says to the people of Ephesus in Ephesians 1:19-20. “I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.”
It was with that power of God that gave victory to this group of nomads. They were filled with God’s purpose. When we are living in God’s will for our lives, he will show up in mighty ways to help us stay on track. Our battles just look a lot different than those fighting for their lives in Moses’ camp.
One of my favorite songs about God fighting my battles is by artist, Phil Wickham called “Battle Belongs.” The lyrics are just so empowering. “Almighty fortress, you go before us. Nothing can stand against the power of our God.” What a declaration! I believe it, do you? Listen here.
Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for always fighting my battles. Forgive me for thinking small and not trusting you to move those mountains. I love that I am safe with you, empowered with the confidence of your power working in my life. Help me do a better job of letting go of my own will to make way for yours. Thank you for your patience with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.