1 Chronicles 28:1-21 – David’s Instructions

Read 1 Chronicles 28:1-21

David was certainly displaying transparent leadership at this moment. He made sure everyone was there for his big speech. The “LORD’s assembly” it was called. Much of what David said was for Solomon’s benefit. As the next king, Solomon was charged by God with building the temple David had only dreamed of. By being transparent with Solomon and the rest of the leaders, David was also setting up accountability for Solomon’s reign. By having the kingdom’s leaders present, they would be informed and ready for what would happen next. Brilliant!

Why is being transparent a good idea for those in leadership? Such actions alleviate any question about what is going to happen and who does what. This transparency is a great example of “direct leadership” when clear instructions are given. People respond when being led in a direct manner.

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1 Chronicles 26:1-32 – Crucial but Not Flashy

Read 1 Chronicles 26:1-32

David’s spree of making assignments continues. These jobs of the Levites are not as glamorous but certainly critically important to the royal administration and care of the temple. Again, David uses sacred lots to make sure the assignments are blessed and fair.

What continues to astound me is the number of helpers it takes to care for the kingdom and future temple of the Lord. Were thousands of people really needed? David was intentional to make sure he had Gatekeepers to guard the entrances to the city of Jerusalem, Treasurers to keep track of all the gifts and offerings, and Officials and Judges to handle matters relating to God and the kingdom for multiple areas or zones.

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1 Chronicles 25:1-31 – Musicians’ Duties

Read 1 Chronicles 25:1-31

This was a fun passage for me to read being a musician involved in worship ministry for much of my adult life. You don’t have to be a musician to appreciate David’s intentions. He wanted the house of God to be filled with music! And most of our churches still today use music of one sort or another to accompany times of worship.

When I imagine the sound of these instruments, lyre, cymbals, and harp, it’s an interesting sound. I think of two of the instruments as more mellow sounding, and then comes the crash of the cymbals for effect. I wonder what those instruments were like back in David’s day.

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1 Chronicles 23:1-32 – What Levites Do

Read 1 Chronicles 23:1-32

If you’ve ever wondered who the Levites were and what they do, this is the text for you! Even though David wasn’t the one chosen to build the temple, he wanted to do as much as he could to help the process. It had been his idea in the first place, so I’m sure he had lots of plans going through his head. By putting all of this in motion, he could feel like he had made a difference in more than just his military victories.

The Chronicler doesn’t go into all the details surrounding Solomon’s coronation here. Suffice it to say there was drama surrounding who would become king! You can read more about that in 1 Kings 1-2.

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1 Chronicles 20:1-8 – Battling Giants

Read 1 Chronicles 20:1-8

Reading a chapter like this in the Bible left me wondering, why. Why does the Bible contain so much detail about war? It’s hard to read about war being “normal.” The Chronicler even said, “In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war.” When I think of Spring, I think of budding trees, grass becoming green again, and flowers everywhere.

It’s great to hear how God was with David’s army, bringing one victory after another. But when you think about what war does to a country and all the people involved, it’s a bit heart breaking. We have to remember it’s all part of God’s story.

Continue reading “1 Chronicles 20:1-8 – Battling Giants”

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