2 Chronicles 3:1-17 – That’s a LOT of Gold!

Read 2 Chronicles 3:1-17

What a majestic place! We can only imagine what the Lord’s temple looked like from these descriptions. Even more details can be found in 1 Kings 6 and 7. It seems the Chronicler wants to impress his readers with the sheer description, all the way down to golden nails weighing over one pound each! I understand the Chronicler is known to have exaggerated for effect.

Yet the description of the temple exudes opulence. Any structure covered in that much gold with jewels had to be amazing. I can’t even think of a place I’ve visited that would look anything like this. Have you?

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2 Chronicles 2:1-10 – Let the Project Begin!

Read 2 Chronicles 2:1-10

Both King Solomon and his father had an ally in King Hiram of Tyre. In this reading, we’re given the privilege of seeing the royal correspondence sent to Tyre. That nation was known for having many gods, so Solomon’s message about his “awesome God” was quite a testimony of his faithful allegiance.

Solomon wastes no time in getting the temple building project underway. The details of the supplies needed as well as the number of workers to be employed seem daunting. Yet having these specifics helps us appreciate the magnitude and scale of this project.

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1 Chronicles 28:1-21 – David’s Instructions

Read 1 Chronicles 28:1-21

David was certainly displaying transparent leadership at this moment. He made sure everyone was there for his big speech. The “LORD’s assembly” it was called. Much of what David said was for Solomon’s benefit. As the next king, Solomon was charged by God with building the temple David had only dreamed of. By being transparent with Solomon and the rest of the leaders, David was also setting up accountability for Solomon’s reign. By having the kingdom’s leaders present, they would be informed and ready for what would happen next. Brilliant!

Why is being transparent a good idea for those in leadership? Such actions alleviate any question about what is going to happen and who does what. This transparency is a great example of “direct leadership” when clear instructions are given. People respond when being led in a direct manner.

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1 Chronicles 22:1-19 – The Temple

Read 1 Chronicles 22:1-19

Turns out the threshing floor location David purchased for his sacrifice in our last reading will become the eventual building site for the temple. Isn’t it great to see how God works behind the scenes to make things happen? God can and will use our mistakes, brokenness, and sinful decisions for good, turning them into something beautiful.

With this chapter, we are beginning the wind down of David’s reign as he prepares his successor, son Solomon. The material in this closing section of 1 Chronicles is unique to this book. We don’t have any parallel story lines from other Biblical passages. Today we see how David aids Solomon for what God will be doing in his life. Isn’t that what any good father would do, prepare their child for the future?

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