2 Chronicles 3:1-17 – That’s a LOT of Gold!

gold plated

Read 2 Chronicles 3:1-17

What a majestic place! We can only imagine what the Lord’s temple looked like from these descriptions. Even more details can be found in 1 Kings 6 and 7. It seems the Chronicler wants to impress his readers with the sheer description, all the way down to golden nails weighing over one pound each! I understand the Chronicler is known to have exaggerated for effect.

Yet the description of the temple exudes opulence. Any structure covered in that much gold with jewels had to be amazing. I can’t even think of a place I’ve visited that would look anything like this. Have you?

The Chronicler’s first audience would be those Israelites returning from Babylonian exile. They were anxious to rebuild the temple that had been destroyed. Knowing the dimensions of the original temple would be helpful for them. The Chronicler’s account of the temple construction briefly summarizes what we find in the source document of 1 Kings.

We see God moving in the details. The wisdom God gave to Solomon is of great help as Solomon oversees the project. You may recall how Solomon questioned his own worthiness to build such a structure for the LORD. I wonder how that awe and wonder played out during the building process?

Sometimes we feel unworthy or unprepared for what God has called us to do. Like Solomon, it does us good to keep our eyes focused on our purpose. We can often distract ourselves with lies and be disillusioned. When we allow ourselves to be deceived, our forward momentum comes to a halt. Can you imagine if Solomon had let his insecurities get the best of him?

What projects are you working on for God’s kingdom? None of us are building a gold-filled temple, yet our work is no less important. Maybe your agenda is simply to be growing closer to God each day so that you are ready for his kingdom assignment. Remember God equips us for his purposes.

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Any time you find yourself doubting yourself, remember this verse. You are “God’s masterpiece.” How does that make you feel? Empowered!

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, you are beautiful beyond description. The beauty of this temple cannot compare with your beauty and grace even if it is lavish and rich. I pray you will fill me with all the strength and wisdom I need to complete the kingdom work you have assigned me. Guard my heart from deception. May I stand firm and help others do the same. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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