Ezekiel 33:21-33 – Remaining Faithful

Read Ezekiel 33:21-33

It’s an interesting experience reading through Ezekiel realizing that his time stamped prophecies are not in chronological order. If your brain works craves “order” like mine, I’ve put a post over in the “Devotions on the Go!” Facebook group that sets out the order one should read these dated texts.

The good news is that we’re now in the final section of Ezekiel’s writings which are more filled with hope. As Israel’s watchman, Ezekiel will now focus more on the restoration of God’s people. Will they at last respond favorably to God? Continue reading “Ezekiel 33:21-33 – Remaining Faithful”

Ezekiel 32:17-32 – The Pit of Hell

Read Ezekiel 32:17-32

In case you weren’t counting, this is the seventh prophecy set aside for Egypt. It’s that important to God to get this message out. In this final reading, we’re taken into the depths. “For I will send them down to the world below in company with those who descend to the pit.” We get a glimpse at the pit of hell.

How did it make you feel to read about the place of the dead you never want to see in person? Did it surprise you to see a reference like this in the Bible? What are some of the themes revealed? Do you think this is where Jesus went between his crucifixion and resurrection? Continue reading “Ezekiel 32:17-32 – The Pit of Hell”

Ezekiel 23:36-49 – Shameless

Read Ezekiel 23:36-49

This reading concludes the section speaking of the sisters, Oholah and Oholibah, and their detestable sins. The LORD wants Ezekiel to call them out and not be afraid to speak against Samaria and Jerusalem. Their judgment is set. The LORD decreed, “Bring an army against them and hand them over to be terrorized and plundered.”

When personification is used like this, it’s easier to assign human emotion or responses to these lewd acts. It was a nation, not an individual, who engaged in the shameful behaviors. From all the accounts we’ve read, these nations didn’t seem to care. These people were clearly more focused on their own agenda without regard for the consequences. Continue reading “Ezekiel 23:36-49 – Shameless”

Ezekiel 23:22-35 – Oh Jerusalem!

Read Ezekiel 23:22-35

God’s message continues using the same sister metaphor, but God singles out Oholibah (Jerusalem). The judgment coming just for her is spelled out in these verses. It won’t be pretty. If they survive the attack, these people will notice something has just rocked their world. God wants them to be sure to know it was Him.

All this destruction could have been avoided. The LORD told them, “You brought all this on yourself by prostituting yourself to other nations, defiling yourself with all their idols.” It’s no accident that we have a recorded account of God’s fury against his people. We can lament for the people in their disobedient ignorance. Continue reading “Ezekiel 23:22-35 – Oh Jerusalem!”

2 Chronicles 25:1-28 – Don’t Anger God

Read 2 Chronicles 25:1-28

I find myself shaking my head once again at the actions of these kings. Seriously! I have to remember that while I don’t find bowing down to a sculpture to make any sense at all, I have certainly bowed to plenty of my own idols over the years. Other people may find “my” idols laughable. Why is leaving our idols behind so difficult?

Idolatry is serious business and angers God. Nothing more needs to be said, really. If something makes God mad, and you know it because time and time again you’ve seen God’s response, why keep doing it? I’m guilty as a sinner, too, so these kinds of affirmations are always helpful for me. I want to try harder to stand firmly on the truth.

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 25:1-28 – Don’t Anger God”

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