Read 1 Chronicles 26:1-32
David’s spree of making assignments continues. These jobs of the Levites are not as glamorous but certainly critically important to the royal administration and care of the temple. Again, David uses sacred lots to make sure the assignments are blessed and fair.
What continues to astound me is the number of helpers it takes to care for the kingdom and future temple of the Lord. Were thousands of people really needed? David was intentional to make sure he had Gatekeepers to guard the entrances to the city of Jerusalem, Treasurers to keep track of all the gifts and offerings, and Officials and Judges to handle matters relating to God and the kingdom for multiple areas or zones.
I don’t suppose those assigned to these posts complained because they were still being used by God. When you think of the jobs in this section, they are all important and necessary. I think back to our example a few readings ago about the body of Christ and how all the parts work together. Even the smallest parts have roles.
Have you ever felt like your contribution to the kingdom of God was “boring?” The gatekeepers probably spent much of their shift doing little or nothing. Boring, yes, but keeping watch over God’s people was still an honor. God uses us all for his purposes, big and small.
The important thing to remember about kingdom work is that there are always enough jobs to go around. In fact, if you look at who is doing most of the work in your church family, it’s probably the same group of core people. That’s why ministry burnout is a real thing. David shows us that many servants are needed to do God’s work.
In Matthew 9:36-37, Jesus said to his disciples: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” Jesus was talking about more than harvesting wheat or corn here. He was talking about people coming to faith. There are many coming to faith, but the workers, or those in charge of nurturing new believers, are few. You see, we all have work to do.
How is God calling you to help? Are you sensing God might be leading you in a new direction? Don’t worry if your “job” isn’t as flashy or visible as other kingdom assignments. Some of us enjoy doing the “behind the scenes” kinds of tasks. If you’re not sure what your assignment is, pray. Ask God to show you where you fit and how you can serve him.

Let’s pray. Thank you for giving me a job to do. Sometimes I don’t feel like I am ready to do what you want me to do. But then I remember that you’ll give me exactly what I need to get the job done. Forgive me when I hold back or don’t take the initiative. Help me to embrace your will and walk in your ways. In Jesus’ name. Amen.