Read 1 Chronicles 27:1-34
David’s organizational skills were admirable. All of the men listed in this passage were leaders with great purpose. When we read lists like this, it’s helpful to remember these were actual people who lived lives during this time period. We’re given only a glimpse of the impact they made in David’s kingdom.
What were some of your observations? Did you also marvel at how concise the military assignments were made. Your tour of duty was only a month long, and the rest of the time your division was at rest or preparing for the next assignment. It was hard for me to imagine an army of 288,000 soldiers. But then I looked up the size of the United States army and that number is greater than 450,000 for Army active duty, not to mention the other branches of the military.
What are we supposed to take away from this reading? How is God speaking to your heart today? For me, I’m enjoying reading about such remarkable organization of all the necessary positions David established for his kingdom on earth. I appreciate the attention to details and order because my own tendency is to seek efficiency and order.
I’m always asking, “is this the best practice?” Or, “can I do better to glorify God?” Now, we don’t see David asking those things out loud in the words of Scripture, but his actions seem to indicate he wasn’t just “flying by the seat of his pants.”
Effective leaders have the following characteristics or qualities: Confident, Visionary, Strategic, Delegators, Respectful, Team Builders, Empowering, Transparent, Humble, Decision Makers, Passionate, etc. David’s actions of putting his kingdom in order have displayed many of these qualities, wouldn’t you agree? As leaders, David has set us a good example.
Leadership can be hard. But staying organized can make that job less chaotic. Do you see yourself as a strong leader? We all have people who are looking up to us for something. How we show up in our relationships and in situations where we are “in charge” (this includes parenting) can be improved when we focus a little more on being prepared.
That’s the message I’m taking away today. I want to be a more prepared leader ready to give my best to those in my care. While David was great leader in the eyes of God and man, the leader I really want to follow is Jesus. The question I’ll be asking myself each day is, “how can I be more like Jesus to improve this day?”

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for leading me out of the darkness and guiding me through your Word. Please forgive me for opportunities I have missed where I could have been a better leader or guide to those around me. Help me to be a more organized leader with better preparation. I want to be an attractive leader who points people back to your great love and mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.