Ezekiel 46:1-24 – Let’s Talk About Worship

Read Ezekiel 46:1-24

So much detail is given by Ezekiel about this temple including its size, construction, purpose, and the people who would be tasked in particular ways. And yet, this temple has not yet been built. We can’t help but ask, “why did God give Ezekiel this vision, and will it ever be constructed?”

Perhaps that isn’t the point. Perhaps God gave Ezekiel this vision to be more of a grounding force to help the people in exile start their lives anew when the time of restoration began. Please know I am only speculating because I certainly don’t have any answers. I’m as perplexed as most people trying to make sense of these chapters. Continue reading “Ezekiel 46:1-24 – Let’s Talk About Worship”

2 Chronicles 5:2-14 – The Ark Arrives

Read 2 Chronicles 5:2-14

It’s passages like this that make even my heart sing! The palpability of worship truly inspires. We know moving the Ark of the Covenant is serious business to be done in just the right way prescribed by God. Rather than fear, the people rejoiced.

With the temple construction complete, it was time to move God’s presence back in. Only after the arrival of the Ark could the temple be truly finished. The work King David had initiated was fulfilled. In readings to follow, Solomon will pray and dedicate the space. For now, we’ll focus on worship!

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1 Chronicles 25:1-31 – Musicians’ Duties

Read 1 Chronicles 25:1-31

This was a fun passage for me to read being a musician involved in worship ministry for much of my adult life. You don’t have to be a musician to appreciate David’s intentions. He wanted the house of God to be filled with music! And most of our churches still today use music of one sort or another to accompany times of worship.

When I imagine the sound of these instruments, lyre, cymbals, and harp, it’s an interesting sound. I think of two of the instruments as more mellow sounding, and then comes the crash of the cymbals for effect. I wonder what those instruments were like back in David’s day.

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1 Chronicles 23:1-32 – What Levites Do

Read 1 Chronicles 23:1-32

If you’ve ever wondered who the Levites were and what they do, this is the text for you! Even though David wasn’t the one chosen to build the temple, he wanted to do as much as he could to help the process. It had been his idea in the first place, so I’m sure he had lots of plans going through his head. By putting all of this in motion, he could feel like he had made a difference in more than just his military victories.

The Chronicler doesn’t go into all the details surrounding Solomon’s coronation here. Suffice it to say there was drama surrounding who would become king! You can read more about that in 1 Kings 1-2.

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1 Chronicles 16:37-43 – Worship Assignments

Read 1 Chronicles 16:37-43

Interesting that David wanted all of Israel to be part of the celebration around the Ark as well as witness his appointment of priests and Levites in both Jerusalem and Gibeon. All of that before “all the people returned to their homes, and David turned and went home to bless his own family.” It makes sense that tradition holds that the Chronicler was from the Levite clan, possibly even the priest, Ezra.

What stood out to you in this reading? Other than assigning seventy (yes 70!) gatekeepers to watch over the Ark, being a worship leader myself, I was drawn to David’s assignment of musicians. They were commissioned to give thanks to God with their instruments. What a great assignment!

Continue reading “1 Chronicles 16:37-43 – Worship Assignments”

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