Ezekiel 46:1-24 – Let’s Talk About Worship

Read Ezekiel 46:1-24

So much detail is given by Ezekiel about this temple including its size, construction, purpose, and the people who would be tasked in particular ways. And yet, this temple has not yet been built. We can’t help but ask, “why did God give Ezekiel this vision, and will it ever be constructed?”

Perhaps that isn’t the point. Perhaps God gave Ezekiel this vision to be more of a grounding force to help the people in exile start their lives anew when the time of restoration began. Please know I am only speculating because I certainly don’t have any answers. I’m as perplexed as most people trying to make sense of these chapters. Continue reading “Ezekiel 46:1-24 – Let’s Talk About Worship”

Daniel 1:8-16 – Obedience

Read Daniel 1:8-16

Daniel is being obedient to God. He didn’t let the fact that he was taken to a foreign land stop his devotion. Even though he had been plopped into a training group to work for the new kingdom, Daniel was bold enough to not “go with the flow.”

Don’t you agree that some people in a situation like Daniel would have let their faith “cave” for fear of death or torture? Daniel showed great obedience to even ask the question. “Can we eat something else?” Continue reading “Daniel 1:8-16 – Obedience”

2 Chronicles 34:14-33 – What a Find!

Read 2 Chronicles 34:14-33

There is so much we can glean from today’s passage, which is very similar to King Josiah’s history in 2 Kings 22. The key piece fueling this story is that a scroll containing God’s law, originally given by God to Moses, has been found. The king is overcome with the news, especially when he has heard the contents of the scroll.

King Josiah humbly acknowledges, seeks God, obeys God, leads others to return to God. He does all these things despite the fact he knows God’s anger is still burning under the surface, promising to bring judgment after Josiah’s lifetime. Hence, there’s a lot going on here to reflect on. Continue reading “2 Chronicles 34:14-33 – What a Find!”

2 Chronicles 30:10-27 – Celebrate God!

Read 2 Chronicles 30:10-27

What a celebration! I was holding my breath when Hezekiah made some ‘adjustments” to the rules in place regarding the Passover. But the LORD listened to Hezekiah’s prayer, and there was no punishment. Instead, people were healed, and many people celebrated Passover once more.

Hezekiah made a way for God’s name to be honored. Allegiance to God was restored because people remembered God’s rescue from slavery and provision in the wilderness. It’s important we never forget Jesus’s rescue mission for us.

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 30:10-27 – Celebrate God!”

1 Chronicles 16:1-36 – Song of Praise

Read 1 Chronicles 16:1-36

If you can get past the part about David giving out food to everyone in Israel, the song of praise is just beautiful. I love how the Chronicler captures this for us. I recognize lyrics from praise songs we sing today. Did you notice any of those, too?

David may have given this song of praise for the special occasion of successfully bringing the Ark to Jerusalem. When we can keep praise on our lips as a regular part of our day, our day can only shine brighter. Such a good reason for worshiping our God!

Continue reading “1 Chronicles 16:1-36 – Song of Praise”

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