Daniel 12:1-13 – The End Times

Read Daniel 12:1-13

This reading concludes Daniel’s discussion with the angel messenger and the book of Daniel. What a way to end! Daniel will be one of the ones in heaven one day! He may not understand what that all means, none of us do. It is an inheritance unparalleled.

This was a lot for Daniel to take in. We have the honor to be living in a world after Jesus’ first coming. We know how many prophecies Jesus’ life fulfilled, and how many more are yet to be fulfilled. Daniel’s message is one of those prophetic messages with “unfinished business.” Continue reading “Daniel 12:1-13 – The End Times”

Daniel 11:21-45 – When Time Runs Out

Read Daniel 11:21-45

Daniel’s vision continues here, but the end is still to come. However, for the tyrant king being described by the angel messenger, his time runs out. God will only allow the atrocities he brings for a given period of time.

The description of this despicable human fits historically with the Syrian king, Antiochus IV Epiphanes. He brought much disgrace and evil to God’s remnant people who had returned to Jerusalem after the exile. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah have told us all about the return from captivity. Daniel would have been left behind when those waves of people returned home. Continue reading “Daniel 11:21-45 – When Time Runs Out”

Daniel 11:2-20 – North vs. South

Read Daniel 11:2-20

The messenger from our last reading continues to share with Daniel in this passage. And there will be still another reading to finish up this one vision. Can you believe the detail Daniel is receiving from this angel from God?

I’m not really a history buff, but when I read this vision, I very much wanted to figure out who these people were from the north and south. I tried drawing a diagram of what we know from Daniel’s vision but felt even more lost. Continue reading “Daniel 11:2-20 – North vs. South”

Daniel 10:1-11:1 – The Messenger

Read Daniel 10:1-11:1

This passage gives us a date we can convert to our own calendar. That’s powerful for me to have that concrete reference of when Daniel “saw a man dressed in linen clothing, with a belt of pure gold around his waist. His body looked like a precious gem. His face flashed like lightning, and his eyes flamed like torches. His arms and feet shone like polished bronze, and his voice roared like a vast multitude of people.” We all have a vivid picture in our minds of who Daniel saw at this moment in time.

God had chosen to reveal his plans to Daniel in this vision, yet his companions could not see. Instead, they were apparently filled with a spirit of fear and ran away so that Daniel was alone with this messenger from God. Continue reading “Daniel 10:1-11:1 – The Messenger”

Daniel 9:20-27 – A Glimpse into the Future

Read Daniel 9:20-27

I was impressed by how Daniel goes from earnestly praying for himself and his people to having the angel Gabriel appear suddenly in his presence. God had heard Daniel’s prayer and how he was wrestling with the seventy-year issue part of Jeremiah’s prophecy. Daniel had an inquiring mind, and God came to the rescue.

Daniel was probably startled by Gabriel’s arrival as well as the message he brought. Daniel’s prayer had caused quite a stir in the heavenly realm. Can you imagine hearing Gabriel’s words, “The moment you began praying, a command was given. And now I am here to tell you what it was, for you are very precious to God.” Hearing that I was precious to God would have stopped me in my tracks. Continue reading “Daniel 9:20-27 – A Glimpse into the Future”


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