Daniel 12:1-13 – The End Times

Read Daniel 12:1-13

This reading concludes Daniel’s discussion with the angel messenger and the book of Daniel. What a way to end! Daniel will be one of the ones in heaven one day! He may not understand what that all means, none of us do. It is an inheritance unparalleled.

This was a lot for Daniel to take in. We have the honor to be living in a world after Jesus’ first coming. We know how many prophecies Jesus’ life fulfilled, and how many more are yet to be fulfilled. Daniel’s message is one of those prophetic messages with “unfinished business.” Continue reading “Daniel 12:1-13 – The End Times”

Daniel 8:15-27 – Hey Gabriel!

Read Daniel 8:15-27

I think I would have fainted, too, in the presence of the angel, Gabriel. It’s probably the appropriate human response to a visible appearance of God or his messenger. I understand this may be Gabriel’s first appearance in the Old Testament. You may recall Gabriel announced the births of John the Baptist and the Messiah in Luke’s gospel account.

Gabriel tells Daniel, “you must understand that the events you have seen in your vision relate to the time of the end.” It’s helpful to remember this reference to “time of the end” encompasses the years between the end of the exile and Jesus’ second coming. That’s a lot of years! Gabriel makes it sound like these events won’t be happening any time soon. Daniel doesn’t need to fear for he will not likely be alive. Continue reading “Daniel 8:15-27 – Hey Gabriel!”

Micah 4:1-5 – The Last Days

Read Micah 4:1-5

peace sign made out of flowers with psychedelic design

Talk about dramatic impact in this transition! Micah places these verses, which are almost identical to verses in Isaiah 2, right here after speaking of the destruction of Jerusalem. We know that Isaiah and Micah are contemporaries speaking to the same audience. Did God choose to give them both the same message, or do you think Micah is quoting Isaiah? Micah doesn’t say.

We have clearly jumped far into the future when God will reign over all. The people of Judah see indication of a bright future as Micah designates Jerusalem. Do you think the people could fully grasp what this meant having not experienced the exile yet?  

Continue reading “Micah 4:1-5 – The Last Days”

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