Revelation 1:1-3 – Be Blessed

Read Revelation 1:1-3

What authority John points to as he opens this final book in the New Testament! We can find peace knowing these words have been prepared by God himself for Jesus to share with us! “This is a revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants the events that must soon take place.” Jesus knew our inquiring minds would be better equipped for life if we had the assurances we’ll find in Revelation. Considering the source of the revelation, we can trust what John is about to reveal to us.

Jesus had told his followers he would return one day. Many times in Jesus’ teachings he shared glimpses into the future. Like us, the disciples were so caught up in the present, looking to the future wasn’t easy. Revelation is an entire book, a gift from God himself, full of messages and revelations of the future involving our King Jesus. Continue reading “Revelation 1:1-3 – Be Blessed”

Daniel 12:1-13 – The End Times

Read Daniel 12:1-13

This reading concludes Daniel’s discussion with the angel messenger and the book of Daniel. What a way to end! Daniel will be one of the ones in heaven one day! He may not understand what that all means, none of us do. It is an inheritance unparalleled.

This was a lot for Daniel to take in. We have the honor to be living in a world after Jesus’ first coming. We know how many prophecies Jesus’ life fulfilled, and how many more are yet to be fulfilled. Daniel’s message is one of those prophetic messages with “unfinished business.” Continue reading “Daniel 12:1-13 – The End Times”

Daniel 8:15-27 – Hey Gabriel!

Read Daniel 8:15-27

I think I would have fainted, too, in the presence of the angel, Gabriel. It’s probably the appropriate human response to a visible appearance of God or his messenger. I understand this may be Gabriel’s first appearance in the Old Testament. You may recall Gabriel announced the births of John the Baptist and the Messiah in Luke’s gospel account.

Gabriel tells Daniel, “you must understand that the events you have seen in your vision relate to the time of the end.” It’s helpful to remember this reference to “time of the end” encompasses the years between the end of the exile and Jesus’ second coming. That’s a lot of years! Gabriel makes it sound like these events won’t be happening any time soon. Daniel doesn’t need to fear for he will not likely be alive. Continue reading “Daniel 8:15-27 – Hey Gabriel!”

Mark 13:1-23 – Jesus’ Warning

Read Mark 13:1-23

Jesus gives us so much detail in this apocalyptic passage, and it’s frightening. I don’t think Jesus meant for us to be scared, rather to be prepared. The end times are not going to be pretty. For those who will witness such things, there will be death and chaos. The promise is also there for us believers. The Holy Spirit will be with us.

I have vivid memories of being afraid of my closet as a child. I was sure there was something to fear lurking in the shadows, and the closet door had to be closed every night lest I couldn’t fall asleep. I can still hear my dad saying, “There is nothing to fear; I’ll be right across the hall.”

Continue reading “Mark 13:1-23 – Jesus’ Warning”

Zechariah 5:5-11 – Wickedness Contained

Read Zechariah 5:5-11

Another interesting vision to contemplate, brought to us by the prophet, Zechariah. This time he sees a bushel basket full of wickedness. I love the creativity God uses to make his intentions known. He doesn’t just use words! So, what message did this vision bring to you?

Did you find it interesting that wickedness was personified as a woman? In chapter 17 of the book of Revelation, John sees evil as the “great prostitute.” Now I have a picture of that woman in the container! And then, out of nowhere, two women with long, graceful wings enter the scene to take the wicked one away into the clouds. Without any explanation, such a vision would be a bit unsettling. We’re not given much enlightenment either.

Continue reading “Zechariah 5:5-11 – Wickedness Contained”

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