Revelation 3:20 – A Relationship with Jesus

 “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.” Revelation 3:20

Those are Jesus’ words, speaking directly to our hearts. Jesus is asking permission to come in. He won’t ever barge in where he is not welcome. We’ve all known people in our lives who show up unannounced creating potentially awkward situations. Jesus will never do that.

Context: This is a great verse to memorize because you never know when you’ll need to assure someone that Jesus is patient and loving. When we commit verses to memory, it’s helpful to know the context of the verses so we don’t miss the “intended” meaning. In this case, Jesus was revealing to John a message to one of the seven churches of Revelation, Laodicea. Apparently, they were “lukewarm” in their faith, and Jesus wanted them to turn from their indifference. Does that context change how you view this text? Continue reading “Revelation 3:20 – A Relationship with Jesus”

Revelation 1:4-8 – Who is Speaking?

Read Revelation 1:4-8

God is speaking to us through John. John would have known Jesus in person for a few years of his life. Those were probably the biggest, most incredible years of John’s life. Now with all of that love for Jesus, John was given this revelation. It helps for us to put ourselves as closely to John’s contagious awestruck wonder as we can. To be given responsibility for such a precious, yet crucial message or revelation from God and the Lamb.

We see who John was initially addressing. We’ll discover more about these seven churches and how they can resemble what we see today in our local churches. In this way, Jesus’ revelation is more relevant than ever in present day. Continue reading “Revelation 1:4-8 – Who is Speaking?”

Revelation 1:1-3 – Be Blessed

Read Revelation 1:1-3

What authority John points to as he opens this final book in the New Testament! We can find peace knowing these words have been prepared by God himself for Jesus to share with us! “This is a revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants the events that must soon take place.” Jesus knew our inquiring minds would be better equipped for life if we had the assurances we’ll find in Revelation. Considering the source of the revelation, we can trust what John is about to reveal to us.

Jesus had told his followers he would return one day. Many times in Jesus’ teachings he shared glimpses into the future. Like us, the disciples were so caught up in the present, looking to the future wasn’t easy. Revelation is an entire book, a gift from God himself, full of messages and revelations of the future involving our King Jesus. Continue reading “Revelation 1:1-3 – Be Blessed”

Advent ✝ Revelation 22:12-13 – Soon

Advent will end, just as Christmas morning dawns. The waiting and preparing for Christmas, Jesus’ first coming will be complete. We still have the waiting and preparing for Jesus’ second coming. That is something we have paid special attention to during Advent. Isn’t Jesus’ return something we should think about every day to keep the fires of readiness burning brightly?

Jesus said he was coming soon. Our final Advent reading takes us to the final chapter of the book of Revelation. That is such a great chapter. I remember writing the closing reflection of the book of Revelation back in 2020. Today’s text is from that chapter, and this is what Jesus says through John:

 “Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,
the Beginning and the End.”

Continue reading “Advent ✝ Revelation 22:12-13 – Soon”

Isaiah 11:1-9 & Revelation 21:1-7 💛 What Will It Be Like?

Read Isaiah 11:1-9 and Revelation 21:1-7

a blue sky with clouds and a blue cross in the middle with light beaming off it

Our final readings for the theme, “Seeking the Kingdom of God” come from both the Old and New Testament. Each are beautiful glimpses into what we’ll see when God’s kingdom is fully revealed. These images should be enough to whet our appetites to not fear that day but look forward to its revelation.

We’re living now in the “in between time” waiting for the big reveal! We’re anxious and we want more! We can only imagine the ultimate splendor God will one day reveal. That’s why Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:33 ring out to us as a clear reminder of what we need to do while we wait. “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

Continue reading “Isaiah 11:1-9 & Revelation 21:1-7 💛 What Will It Be Like?”

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