Advent will end, just as Christmas morning dawns. The waiting and preparing for Christmas, Jesus’ first coming will be complete. We still have the waiting and preparing for Jesus’ second coming. That is something we have paid special attention to during Advent. Isn’t Jesus’ return something we should think about every day to keep the fires of readiness burning brightly?
Jesus said he was coming soon. Our final Advent reading takes us to the final chapter of the book of Revelation. That is such a great chapter. I remember writing the closing reflection of the book of Revelation back in 2020. Today’s text is from that chapter, and this is what Jesus says through John:
“Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,
the Beginning and the End.”
Jesus said soon. We have to wonder what “soon” really means. We know God’s timetable and ours are not the same. Why wouldn’t we want to be ready every day, just in case.
What does being ready look like? Is it immersing yourself into Scripture as you seek the heart of God? Is it serving the kingdom in some impactful way? Is it being intentional to align your actions with God’s word and will for your life?
I know I’m saved by God’s grace, but deeds are great, too. If we’re truly trusting in Jesus, the deeds part just seems to happen almost automatically. Don’t you love that?
Jesus talks about our deeds here, that judgments will be made according to our deeds. Granted, we know our salvation relies on Jesus’ saving grace, not something fantastic that we can do. However, we also know that when we live our lives in God-honoring ways, we can’t help but do good deeds.
It doesn’t say here anything about salvation anyway. Jesus is talking about the rewards he’ll bring. We can only imagine what might be in his “goody bag.” Jesus gives us an incentive to be good people and do the right thing. He’s even going to reward that type of behavior!
And Jesus said, “soon.” Figure out what you want to change in your life this coming year. We’re about to celebrate Christmas once again. Maybe your gift to the Christ child this year can be more time. Ask God to show you how to spend that extra time you give him. He’ll love the gift. Just like we love the gift he sent us, His one and only Son.

Let’s pray.
Father God, on this holiest of holy nights, I bow before you as my infant King. Yet I know you are also my Redeem king and friend. My heart cannot express the gratitude to you for all that you endured for me. I know you said you’re coming soon. Come, Lord Jesus, come. Help me stay steadfast and true as I wait. Use me to strengthen others in their faith journey. I love you, Lord. I’ll see you soon. In Jesus’ name. Amen.