Daniel 5:13-31 – Surprise Ending

Read Daniel 5:13-31

God’s “graffiti” had a somber meaning for King Belshazzar. Despite the message, and Daniel’s own request, the king bestowed the gifts of honor to Daniel for deciphering the message. Who knew that the “numbered days” of the king’s reign would run out so soon!

King Belshazzar was not given the opportunity to correct his ways. He had angered God past the point of return. God’s sovereign power is again revealed to individuals outside the land of Israel. This pagan king, however, did not find favor with God as his predecessor had. Continue reading “Daniel 5:13-31 – Surprise Ending”

Mark 13:1-23 – Jesus’ Warning

Read Mark 13:1-23

Jesus gives us so much detail in this apocalyptic passage, and it’s frightening. I don’t think Jesus meant for us to be scared, rather to be prepared. The end times are not going to be pretty. For those who will witness such things, there will be death and chaos. The promise is also there for us believers. The Holy Spirit will be with us.

I have vivid memories of being afraid of my closet as a child. I was sure there was something to fear lurking in the shadows, and the closet door had to be closed every night lest I couldn’t fall asleep. I can still hear my dad saying, “There is nothing to fear; I’ll be right across the hall.”

Continue reading “Mark 13:1-23 – Jesus’ Warning”

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