Numbers 16:1-49 – Rebellion

Read Numbers 16:1-49

What a catastrophe for those rebels! We see Korah, a Levite, leading a group of rebels against their leader, Moses. We also see the rest of the people questioning both Aaron and Moses. Both revolts questioned divine authority, the LORD’s choice of leadership, and that turned out to be a very bad idea. Despite everything, both Moses and Aaron stood up for the people against the wrath of God.

It’s hard to read passages like this and see so many people destroyed. While it seems hard to fathom, as part of Scripture we need to treasure the message in a way that makes sense for us. What did the Holy Spirit reveal to you today? For me, it was not to complain about leadership ordained by God because that ultimately disrespects God, not the leaders. Continue reading “Numbers 16:1-49 – Rebellion”

Daniel 5:13-31 – Surprise Ending

Read Daniel 5:13-31

God’s “graffiti” had a somber meaning for King Belshazzar. Despite the message, and Daniel’s own request, the king bestowed the gifts of honor to Daniel for deciphering the message. Who knew that the “numbered days” of the king’s reign would run out so soon!

King Belshazzar was not given the opportunity to correct his ways. He had angered God past the point of return. God’s sovereign power is again revealed to individuals outside the land of Israel. This pagan king, however, did not find favor with God as his predecessor had. Continue reading “Daniel 5:13-31 – Surprise Ending”

Lamentations 1:1-22 – Jerusalem Mourns

Read Lamentations 1:1-22

In our last reading, Nehemiah was beside himself wanting his fellow Israelites to get it right this time so they’d avoid God’s discipline. Our first reading in Lamentations opens with a flashback to Jerusalem’s desolate days. Nehemiah’s desperation seems to have real merit in light of this reminder of Jerusalem’s dark days.

The prophet Jeremiah is the believed author of the book of Lamentations. Jeremiah’s five lamentations focus on the fall of Jerusalem which God orchestrated when his people were taken into the bondage of exile. You may recall Jeremiah was alive at the time his prophecies were coming true. Jeremiah’s grief ran deep, and this is a poignant book full of emotion.

Continue reading “Lamentations 1:1-22 – Jerusalem Mourns”

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