Daniel 11:21-45 – When Time Runs Out

Read Daniel 11:21-45

Daniel’s vision continues here, but the end is still to come. However, for the tyrant king being described by the angel messenger, his time runs out. God will only allow the atrocities he brings for a given period of time.

The description of this despicable human fits historically with the Syrian king, Antiochus IV Epiphanes. He brought much disgrace and evil to God’s remnant people who had returned to Jerusalem after the exile. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah have told us all about the return from captivity. Daniel would have been left behind when those waves of people returned home. Continue reading “Daniel 11:21-45 – When Time Runs Out”

2 Chronicles 33:1-25 – Bad to Good to Bad

Read 2 Chronicles 33:1-25

Manasseh was a nasty, wicked king. Mostly. After having such a devout father, I suppose it shouldn’t surprise me that the pendulum would swing in the opposite direction. Kids often rebel against their parents, and Manasseh would be a prime example of this. Everything that Hezekiah had established to please God and have a successful life was demolished.

Did this passage shock you, too, or was it just me? Some of the things Manasseh did were unforgiveable. My spirit just hurts for people who have chosen pagan lies over the truth. It happened to Manasseh and it’s happening like an epidemic in today’s world. How do you expect God feels about it? The LORD wants devotion, to be needed, and not abandoned. Continue reading “2 Chronicles 33:1-25 – Bad to Good to Bad”


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