Daniel 9:20-27 – A Glimpse into the Future

Read Daniel 9:20-27

I was impressed by how Daniel goes from earnestly praying for himself and his people to having the angel Gabriel appear suddenly in his presence. God had heard Daniel’s prayer and how he was wrestling with the seventy-year issue part of Jeremiah’s prophecy. Daniel had an inquiring mind, and God came to the rescue.

Daniel was probably startled by Gabriel’s arrival as well as the message he brought. Daniel’s prayer had caused quite a stir in the heavenly realm. Can you imagine hearing Gabriel’s words, “The moment you began praying, a command was given. And now I am here to tell you what it was, for you are very precious to God.” Hearing that I was precious to God would have stopped me in my tracks. Continue reading “Daniel 9:20-27 – A Glimpse into the Future”

2 Chronicles 17:1-19 – Meet Jehoshaphat

Read 2 Chronicles 17:1-19

What a name! Did you find yourself rushing into the text to see if Jehoshaphat was going to follow the LORD or not? The last we know of Asa, his father, was that Asa had gone astray, not trusting in God like he had earlier in his reign. From the sounds of it, Jehoshaphat must remember the “good times” when his father was more obedient to God.

It must have been difficult to stay strong in those days, too. After all, family relations from the northern tribes who were following Israel’s rule had already chosen an alternate path. We may find ourselves troubled when our friends and family don’t cherish the Bible and having a relationship with our Creator and Savior, Jesus like we do. It’s sometimes hard to maintain those relationships.

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 17:1-19 – Meet Jehoshaphat”

Ezra 7:1-10 – Meet Ezra

Read Ezra 7:1-10

We finally meet the reformer, Ezra, and we’re seven chapters into his book. Isn’t it something that Ezra can track his lineage all the way back to Aaron! This new section will take place roughly 60 years after what we’ve just read. Fun fact: the story from the Book of Esther would have taken place during the 60-year gap.

I’m going to insert a bit of caution here to not get caught up on the dates and timelines. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah are more theologically focused and less intended as historical references.

Continue reading “Ezra 7:1-10 – Meet Ezra”

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