Read 2 Chronicles 17:1-19
What a name! Did you find yourself rushing into the text to see if Jehoshaphat was going to follow the LORD or not? The last we know of Asa, his father, was that Asa had gone astray, not trusting in God like he had earlier in his reign. From the sounds of it, Jehoshaphat must remember the “good times” when his father was more obedient to God.
It must have been difficult to stay strong in those days, too. After all, family relations from the northern tribes who were following Israel’s rule had already chosen an alternate path. We may find ourselves troubled when our friends and family don’t cherish the Bible and having a relationship with our Creator and Savior, Jesus like we do. It’s sometimes hard to maintain those relationships.
Being a teacher/missionary, I especially loved the initiative Jehoshaphat took in his third year. He ramped up religious education and sent teachers out with the Book of the Law to teach people in outlying areas. The king wanted to make sure that everyone had access to God’s word. I’m not sure rulers today act with the same wisdom. Sadly, it seems pushing agendas contrary to the truth of Scripture is more desirable.
Again, we see how God rewards Jehoshaphat’s obedience. The kingdom is becoming stronger and more organized. Rather than fighting for their lives or worried about natural disasters, Jehoshaphat’s leaders were able to be prepared and strengthened.
Judah’s neighbors even noticed the good happening in Judah. The Chronicler notes, “Then the fear of the LORD fell over all the surrounding kingdoms so that none of them wanted to declare war on Jehoshaphat.” Jehoshaphat had learned that being prepared for war and setting up your defenses was the wise move. You never know when another kingdom might declare war.
If the size of Jehoshaphat’s army seems exaggerated, it only confirms for us God’s favor and faithfulness for his devoted people. The land of Judah would be fortified and prepared. If the leader’s reliance on God falters, we’ll have to see what happens next.
Thank God for the abundance he has given you in your life. How can you be sharing about that to encourage others?

Let’s pray. LORD, your provisions for your people continue today. Thank you for all the blessings flowing in my life. Thank you, too, for the joy that wells up inside me when I realize all I need to do is trust in you. Forgive me for trying to work everything out in my own way when your way is so much better. Use me and my life’s example to help others find you again. Help me stand strong against the pressures of the world that distract and stir up doubts. May I trust in you alone. In Jesus’ name. Amen.