Numbers 10:1-10 – Blow the Trumpets

Read Numbers 10:1-10

If you ever wondered how Moses managed to get everyone’s attention when he had a word from the LORD, now we know. Trumpets. The priests were to blow the trumpets in some fashion, depending on the message. I have to admit visions of Captain Van Trapp and his whistle in the opening scenes of “The Sound of Music” come to mind in terms of the effectiveness of that type of signal communication.

Priests had been trusted with many things in the law. Here we have yet another task to manage—the trumpet blowing. God was serious about this task because he made it permanent. I wonder if the people ever imagined the trumpets as the voice of God. Certainly, when they sounded it meant something was happening, and it was time to respond to God’s message. Continue reading “Numbers 10:1-10 – Blow the Trumpets”

Job 36:1-21 – Defending God

Read Job 36:1-21

Elihu must believe that God needs defending. Or perhaps he wanted to set the record straight in terms of his understanding of God. I would agree, talking about God and his mighty power should be a priority for us. Why is it we keep quiet about the creator and provider of all things?

It’s all about obedience to God according to Elihu. That’s how he would suggest we spend our lives if we want God’s favor and to experience abundance. I would note that our obedience should not be because we expect something but because we can’t help ourselves but want to please God. After all, he created us, gave us a purpose, and allows us to make choices in each season of life until he takes us home where we truly belong. Continue reading “Job 36:1-21 – Defending God”

Ezekiel 24:15-27 – She Died?

Read Ezekiel 24:15-27

I can’t believe she’s dead. I’m not a fan of this passage at all! It’s one thing to lose a beloved spouse, but quite another not to be able to mourn the loss because God tells you not to! The text doesn’t say Ezekiel didn’t mourn in private, only that he is not to display any of those behaviors publicly. But when you live a life of ministry you are more visible than most, and people are watching.

We’re halfway through the book of Ezekiel, and now everything God used Ezekiel to say has happened. Now what? This first section was focused on the fall of Israel, and the next two focus on the judgment of nations and future blessings for Israel. Continue reading “Ezekiel 24:15-27 – She Died?”

Ezekiel 3:16-27 – Such Great Responsibility

Read Ezekiel 3:16-27

Ezekiel surely had a lot to think about over those seven days. It would seem his assignment is all but hopeless. This reading picks up after that week of Ezekiel’s reflection. He had taken time to deal with how overwhelmed he must have felt. Notice how Ezekiel is cared for and given good instructions.

Despite the divine communication, I can almost feel the pressure Ezekiel faced in making sure he never ignored a message from God, no matter how difficult it might be. God had deemed it wise to give Ezekiel this great responsibility. Even the spirit promised to help him not say the wrong thing when provoked by the rebels. Continue reading “Ezekiel 3:16-27 – Such Great Responsibility”

2 Chronicles 17:1-19 – Meet Jehoshaphat

Read 2 Chronicles 17:1-19

What a name! Did you find yourself rushing into the text to see if Jehoshaphat was going to follow the LORD or not? The last we know of Asa, his father, was that Asa had gone astray, not trusting in God like he had earlier in his reign. From the sounds of it, Jehoshaphat must remember the “good times” when his father was more obedient to God.

It must have been difficult to stay strong in those days, too. After all, family relations from the northern tribes who were following Israel’s rule had already chosen an alternate path. We may find ourselves troubled when our friends and family don’t cherish the Bible and having a relationship with our Creator and Savior, Jesus like we do. It’s sometimes hard to maintain those relationships.

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 17:1-19 – Meet Jehoshaphat”

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