Numbers 10:1-10 – Blow the Trumpets

Read Numbers 10:1-10

If you ever wondered how Moses managed to get everyone’s attention when he had a word from the LORD, now we know. Trumpets. The priests were to blow the trumpets in some fashion, depending on the message. I have to admit visions of Captain Van Trapp and his whistle in the opening scenes of “The Sound of Music” come to mind in terms of the effectiveness of that type of signal communication.

Priests had been trusted with many things in the law. Here we have yet another task to manage—the trumpet blowing. God was serious about this task because he made it permanent. I wonder if the people ever imagined the trumpets as the voice of God. Certainly, when they sounded it meant something was happening, and it was time to respond to God’s message. Continue reading “Numbers 10:1-10 – Blow the Trumpets”


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