Numbers 15:32-41 – Sabbath & Tassels

Bubble letters spelling Shabbat Shalom filled with blue, white and black design against black background

Read Numbers 15:32-41

Moses’ word from God here about what happens to those who break the Sabbath is quite something. It helps me understand a little bit why the religious leaders in Jesus’ day were so aghast at the times they witnessed Jesus himself breaking Sabbath to heal someone or feed his disciples.

In an episode from “The Chosen,” Jesus and his followers were depicted as having had stones thrown at them in payment of times Jesus had healed on the Sabbath. The healing itself would have given them something to talk about even if it hadn’t been so blatantly on a Sabbath. What was Jesus’ response?

Jesus hoped they would look at the bigger picture and not get so caught up in tradition. Jesus said in Matthew 12:12b, “Yes, the law permits a person to do good on the Sabbath.” Apparently, if that “good” involves something one would construe as “work” than that’s where the rub comes in for the religious leaders. It would seem to Jesus that “good” trumps “work.”

So is that how we spend our Sabbath days, doing good things? It seems like that is how Jesus updated the law of  Moses on the subject of the Sabbath. God still wants us to honor it, but in ways that promote goodness and filling ourselves with the goodness of God would seem to be the best way to show the world about Him. Brilliant!

It was also helpful for me to read the Old Testament text about the tassels. I notice them dangling off the garments of men in the series, “The Chosen.” The purpose is clear as verse 40 sums it up. “The tassels will help you remember that you must obey all my commands and be holy to your God.” I suppose if they were hitting against my leg all day as I was walking, I would certainly have in mind God’s law. That would be a constant reminder for some, more nomadic people. I don’t see many people wearing tassels today. Maybe that’s the problem, we aren’t reminding ourselves enough about God’s loving kindness and unfailing love.

In our world right now, we are seeing one form of hate or another being displayed in just about every crevice of society. It doesn’t matter where you live, you see it played out, even in families and communities of faith. It’s painful to watch brothers and sisters alienate themselves or be judgmental and unloving toward family members.

All I want to do is scream at the top of my lungs to “Hold on!” Jesus is coming soon and we need to be ready. Our focus can’t be on what is bogging down this world, it needs to be on preparing for eternity. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older and thereby statistically closer to that forever in the sky, but I don’t want to delay another minute.

I want to have some sort of “tassel” in my life that is a constant reminder that God desires the best for me. I may not always understand what that is. But when I do, it’s like a well-rehearsed symphony. I want to boldly declare there is only God that I worship. Even the LORD said through Moses, “I am the Lord your God!” I claim that 100%!

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, thank you for how you have always provided for your people. These examples were profound and timely. Forgive me for the times I have been caught up in the world and blinded to your presence in my life. I am so grateful you have lifted me up to speak of you and be your light in this world. In my weakness, you make me strong. You are my king, and I adore you.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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