Job 36:1-21 – Defending God

crowd worshipping with arms in the air, holding Bibles

Read Job 36:1-21

Elihu must believe that God needs defending. Or perhaps he wanted to set the record straight in terms of his understanding of God. I would agree, talking about God and his mighty power should be a priority for us. Why is it we keep quiet about the creator and provider of all things?

It’s all about obedience to God according to Elihu. That’s how he would suggest we spend our lives if we want God’s favor and to experience abundance. I would note that our obedience should not be because we expect something but because we can’t help ourselves but want to please God. After all, he created us, gave us a purpose, and allows us to make choices in each season of life until he takes us home where we truly belong.

The promised final destination that we know about thanks to Jesus is worth more than any price or challenge. I know many people today don’t seem to care or want to think beyond the grave. Many fear death because they don’t have the assurance of eternal life with Jesus.

There’s enough wrong information floating around, even in circles of Christians, about God’s blessings and promises. I don’t blame Elihu for speaking out. He wanted to clear up any misunderstandings that may have been created from the narrative of Job and his other friends.

Elihu then makes it personal to Job. He corners Job and passes judgment on what Job has been saying. I’m not sure I agree with Elihu’s observations. What I see is Job questioning God and what happens to evil people because he feels that somehow he may have been thrust into that category and he seeks understanding.

It’s good for us to see Job questioning God because it helps us know we can do the same. Job’s faith remained solid despite his rantings. This experiment brought on by Satan was not going at all as planned. God was getting a lot of glory despite how the messages were being shared.

Do you ever question God and why he allows certain things to happen? As I write this reflection, I’ve been glued to the news reports of the aftermath of a second hurricane to the state of Florida. We have some very dear friends that live in Florida, and I have been in prayer for them and the people of North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia who are also seeing devastation like you can’t imagine. It’s in times like this many of us are asking, “Why God?”

In our Bible class tonight with our youth group, we talked about why God lets bad things happen. It’s a tough question because we really don’t know the answer. We can only look to Scripture which would say that God never leaves us. There will always be a blessing to be found in any circumstance. God is always watching, always working, and I trust Him. That’s how I defend God—by stating what I believe, my testimony.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Father, I thank you for being open to my cries to you for understanding. You are always faithful, and I cling to that truth. May my eyes be open, and my heart be ready to accept what you have for me. Help me glorify only you in my words and deeds. Bless those who are following you yet still have questions and doubts. Give them the answers they need to be fully committed to you, too. May I always give you my best, my all. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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