Job 36:1-21 – Defending God

Read Job 36:1-21

Elihu must believe that God needs defending. Or perhaps he wanted to set the record straight in terms of his understanding of God. I would agree, talking about God and his mighty power should be a priority for us. Why is it we keep quiet about the creator and provider of all things?

It’s all about obedience to God according to Elihu. That’s how he would suggest we spend our lives if we want God’s favor and to experience abundance. I would note that our obedience should not be because we expect something but because we can’t help ourselves but want to please God. After all, he created us, gave us a purpose, and allows us to make choices in each season of life until he takes us home where we truly belong. Continue reading “Job 36:1-21 – Defending God”

Job 33:1-33 – The Youngster Speaks

Read Job 33:1-33

Interesting how Eliju took a whole chapter just to prepare us for his speech, and here we discover what the “youngster” has to say about things. A different generation may not look at Job the same as a peer. Who are Job’s peers? He had grown children living separate lives. I have grown children with lives apart from me (that’s the hardest part of missionary life)! Job would be my peer, or at least in the same “season” of life as me. I can’t imagine losing everything like he did. Does a younger person even begin to imagine such loss?

What do you think of Eliju now? Has your opinion changed? Or is Eliju just a little too “cocky” or sure of himself. Eliju is someone that God loved and used for a purpose. We don’t have to like guy to respect him. Continue reading “Job 33:1-33 – The Youngster Speaks”


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