Job 36:22-37:13 – God’s Power

big red heart with an explosion of light behind it like power of holy spirit

Read Job 36:22-37:13

Focusing on God’s powers and his attributes is something I never get tired of. Elihu gives us real world applications for witnessing God’s power. With all the crazy things happening around us, focusing on the supremacy of God can help us stay positive, help us stay hopeful. When we meet others who feel the same about God’s majesty, it’s a delight. But Elihu’s focus on this power takes a frightening turn.

Elihu uses word pictures of storms, thunderbolts and lightning. Certainly God’s power is evident in nature in all the ways Elihu describes. When we think of the power of nature, we can’t help but look at the beauty, too. For instance, as trees bloom every spring and change their leaf color to brilliant hues in the fall; it’s all in God’s timing.

As our world is facing the effects of global warming, we are seeing stronger storms and more frequent natural disasters than ever before it seems. Is God’s power revealing itself to punish us for the ways we’ve harmed the nature he created? Elihu responds to this question before we even ask when he said this about God, “He makes these things happen either to punish people or to show his unfailing love.” It could be either, but I’d like to think a little of both.

When God disciplines us, he has a purposeful intention. Job believes he is feeling that discipline. In the New Testament, the preacher reminds us about God’s discipline in Hebrews 12:5-13. And King Solomon writes in Proverbs 3:11-12, “My child, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you. For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.” If indeed Job’s discipline were coming from the Lord, Job should not be upset. But we know there is more going on here.

When we focus on the power of God and all that he does, our minds can’t help but be blown. I like to focus on God’s power and goodness each time when I am spending time with him in prayer. I like to get myself to that place of awe-filled reverence. But even on days when I’m in a rush and have a million distractions, I can bring to mind God’s power in an instant for a jolt of peace and joy.

When your day is going especially wrong, take moment to just close your eyes and think of God’s majesty. Try to still all other thoughts that are crowding your head. Take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. When I do that a couple times, I can’t help but feel more relaxed and centered. All the while, I picture myself emptying my mess out before God to make room for his grace and love to enter.

I don’t know what Elihu’s reasoning is for focusing on God’s power, but for me it is to give strength and assurance.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, may I live my life in reverent awe of you. Your power and majesty cannot be described. Thank you for loving me and choosing me to be your child. May I be an honorable reflection of you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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