Daniel 2:24-45 – Daniel’s Interpretation

Read Daniel 2:24-45

Daniel’s answered prayer was revealed to the king. King Nebuchadnezzar got exactly what he asked for. Daniel’s revelation from God included a full description of what the king had seen and what it meant. God exposed the future in an apocalyptic manner that scholars still wrestle with today.

We need to remember that God loves all his children. His gift of this vision came from God. The fact that God chose to use Nebuchadnezzar in his plan of history shows us that love. Even though Nebuchadnezzar did not know God, God knew him. Continue reading “Daniel 2:24-45 – Daniel’s Interpretation”

Daniel 2:1-23 – The Dream

Read Daniel 2:1-23

Have you ever had a dream haunt you all day as if it was real, yet you have no idea what it means? That must be a little of what King Nebuchadnezzar was experiencing. He seems a bit frantic in front of his own wise men. Yet, they are not forthcoming with any sort of explanation for the king’s dilemma. Why? Because they don’t have any such power.

It seems the king has eyes to see through their deception and won’t allow them to take advantage of him anymore. The king stated, in effect, that if they aren’t smart enough to know the content of his dream they don’t deserve to live. Of course, the astrologers were outraged at the request stating, “No one on earth can tell the king his dream!” They were powerless because their wisdom was not from God. Continue reading “Daniel 2:1-23 – The Dream”

Daniel 1:17-21 – What’s Your Superpower?

Read Daniel 1:17-21

While it’s not my intent to go off on a tangent about the spiritual gifts God gives to us, it does apply when we think about our own superpower. That power is fueled by the same source for each of us, the Holy Spirit.

Daniel didn’t know the Holy Spirit yet, but he must have wondered how he and three other men had been given such favor from God. That favor then resulted in approval from man, too. You don’t have the respect and trust of leadership without being special. Daniel was indeed that. Continue reading “Daniel 1:17-21 – What’s Your Superpower?”

Daniel 1:8-16 – Obedience

Read Daniel 1:8-16

Daniel is being obedient to God. He didn’t let the fact that he was taken to a foreign land stop his devotion. Even though he had been plopped into a training group to work for the new kingdom, Daniel was bold enough to not “go with the flow.”

Don’t you agree that some people in a situation like Daniel would have let their faith “cave” for fear of death or torture? Daniel showed great obedience to even ask the question. “Can we eat something else?” Continue reading “Daniel 1:8-16 – Obedience”

Daniel 1:1-7 – Setting the Stage

Read Daniel 1:1-7

The Book of Daniel will introduce us to the prophet, Daniel, who was living in Babylon during the exile. In the second half of the book, Daniel shares interesting dreams and visions for us to ponder, ultimately giving us confidence that God is in control. Daniel’s life displays how we can live a godly life in a sinful world. We’ll encounter themes of perseverance, finding purpose in life, and God’s faithfulness.

In our first reading, Daniel is setting the stage. We can pinpoint his place in history having been taken into exile when King Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem for the first time. We know from other texts that Judah’s king, Jehoiakim, was also taken captive. But Daniel’s focus will be on his own journey in a foreign land. Continue reading “Daniel 1:1-7 – Setting the Stage”


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