Daniel 2:1-23 – The Dream

Read Daniel 2:1-23

Have you ever had a dream haunt you all day as if it was real, yet you have no idea what it means? That must be a little of what King Nebuchadnezzar was experiencing. He seems a bit frantic in front of his own wise men. Yet, they are not forthcoming with any sort of explanation for the king’s dilemma. Why? Because they don’t have any such power.

It seems the king has eyes to see through their deception and won’t allow them to take advantage of him anymore. The king stated, in effect, that if they aren’t smart enough to know the content of his dream they don’t deserve to live. Of course, the astrologers were outraged at the request stating, “No one on earth can tell the king his dream!” They were powerless because their wisdom was not from God. Continue reading “Daniel 2:1-23 – The Dream”

2 Chronicles 9:1-12 – The Queen’s Visit

Read 2 Chronicles 9:1-12

It sounds as if Solomon hosted the Queen of Sheba with ease and grace. She had come to see for herself how wise and powerful King Solomon actually was. Interesting to imagine how news like that traveled in those days. Solomon didn’t disappoint, either. In fact, the Queen was more impressed that she imagined possible.

The Queen’s land of Sheba (or Saba) would have been on the coast of the Arabian Peninsula in present day Yemen. The Sabeans were known for as trade partners of gold and precious gems with Africa and India. The Queen was not drawn to Solomon to be a trade partner, however. She wanted to be enlightened by his great wisdom.

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2 Chronicles 1:1-17 – A Great Start!

Read 2 Chronicles 1:1-17

The book of 2nd Chronicles opens with Solomon’s getting the feel for what it means to be king. This book will chronicle Solomon’s reign as well as all the kings until the time of exile. We’ll be taking a glimpse at all these kingdoms; each king descending from King David. We’ll find out which ones are good and which ones are bad. Solomon clearly starts his reign in a wise way.

What did he do? He sought God at the altar in Gideon. He didn’t go alone either. Solomon called together quite a group of leaders to the place of worship so they could consult the LORD. Solomon sacrificed 1,000 burnt offerings. Can you even imagine?

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 1:1-17 – A Great Start!”

Ecclesiastes 7:15-8:1 – Limits on Wisdom

Read Ecclesiastes 7:15-8:1

What an interesting passage coming from one of the wisest men ever. Solomon’s wisdom was a gift from God, yet there were limitations. Today we can tap into God’s wisdom when we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. God is the source of all wisdom, for which there is no limit. We should be grateful for the wisdom God allows be revealed to us.

Solomon continues to struggle with his wisdom. Sometimes when we let our minds wander, we can end up in some unusual places. It seems that is what is happening to Solomon through this whole book. We have all seen things that don’t make sense or seem fair in this world. How do you handle those situations?

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James 3:13-18 – True Wisdom

Read James 3:13-18

We can tell a lot about James’ audience by what he teaches them. It seems they may have had a lot of similar faults to people we may recognize. Jealousy, selfishness, boasting, and lying are not uncommon in our culture today and might even be running rampant. What does James say about that? “Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic.”

Take a moment to let that sink in. Demonic. It makes sense. Those attributes are certainly distasteful when you have experienced the Holy Spirit living inside you. James warns us to stay away from such things, for in them evil resides. Clearly his readers are having a hard time trading in their worldly habits and ideas in exchange for God’s viewpoint.  Thankfully, James gives us a solution.

Continue reading “James 3:13-18 – True Wisdom”

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