Numbers 9:15-23 – The Fiery Cloud

Read Numbers 9:15-23

I wonder how many times the people of Israel broke camp and moved on. We’re told their stay could simply be an overnight or up to a year. In our previous readings, we learned how God instructed the people to be orderly in the process. I’m sure after a few moves it became easier and easier to get into the “habit” of moving.

Do you think the people felt comforted knowing God’s presence was there in the cloud? Perhaps over time they began to take for granted this visible sense of God’s presence in their midst. What I liked about this reading was how the people obeyed. Their every move was in response to a command from God. Continue reading “Numbers 9:15-23 – The Fiery Cloud”

Job 28:1-28 – Where Do You Find Wisdom?

Read Job 28:1-28

Job asks this question twice, “But do people know where to find wisdom?” That’s one of those questions that has a little different meaning depending on which word you give the most emphasis as you read it. But in answer to Job’s question, many people think they do know where. Job has been searching for wisdom to explain his situation this whole time. Job is being very thought provoking in this passage.

When you hear (or read) the word “wisdom,” what comes to mind for you? Do you picture a wall full of books? Do you picture just one book, the Bible? Maybe you picture a person, God inspired, a personified wisdom, like King Solomon for example. He asked God for this one thing, wisdom, when God asked him what he wanted most. Continue reading “Job 28:1-28 – Where Do You Find Wisdom?”

2 Chronicles 1:1-17 – A Great Start!

Read 2 Chronicles 1:1-17

The book of 2nd Chronicles opens with Solomon’s getting the feel for what it means to be king. This book will chronicle Solomon’s reign as well as all the kings until the time of exile. We’ll be taking a glimpse at all these kingdoms; each king descending from King David. We’ll find out which ones are good and which ones are bad. Solomon clearly starts his reign in a wise way.

What did he do? He sought God at the altar in Gideon. He didn’t go alone either. Solomon called together quite a group of leaders to the place of worship so they could consult the LORD. Solomon sacrificed 1,000 burnt offerings. Can you even imagine?

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 1:1-17 – A Great Start!”

James 1:1-8 – Trials of Life

Read James 1:1-8

As I read from James, I can’t help but try to picture what it was like to be Jesus’ earthly brother. (This book is believed to be written by Jesus’ half-brother, not James the apostle.) What would the sibling rivalry have looked like? We don’t know much about Jesus as a child, teenager, or young man. As Jesus’ brother, James would have an interesting perspective to be sure. Yet curiously, James identifies himself in the opening as “a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.” James has taken his own place in helping others navigate their lives as followers of Christ.

In this letter from James, we’ll see how he tries to set things straight in terms of living a Christian life. It’s so much more than just saying you’re a Christian. The truths you’ll uncover could be summed up as a “how-to” for Christian living. Even though James wasn’t one of the chosen twelve, he was a leader in the early church having stayed in Jerusalem to begin his ministry there to Jewish Christians. His target audience for this letter are the persecuted Christians in hostile surroundings, much like we experience in our own trials of faith.

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Colossians 4:2-6 – Live Wise & Pray!

Read Colossians 4:2-6

praying and praising in profile and layers of elements

Praying is something we can do as often as possible and it’s free! It only costs us time, but what better way to spend time than with God? Right? Paul is encouraging the Colossians to pray for themselves and for his ministry.

It was interesting to me that Paul chose to share about being in chains as he closes this letter. Clearly, Paul’s message was not meant to be about himself or his own situation, but to proclaim Jesus and deal with issues facing the young church. Almost as if in passing, he lets them know of the situation keeping him from seeing them in person.

Continue reading “Colossians 4:2-6 – Live Wise & Pray!”

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