Job 28:1-28 – Where Do You Find Wisdom?

Read Job 28:1-28

Job asks this question twice, “But do people know where to find wisdom?” That’s one of those questions that has a little different meaning depending on which word you give the most emphasis as you read it. But in answer to Job’s question, many people think they do know where. Job has been searching for wisdom to explain his situation this whole time. Job is being very thought provoking in this passage.

When you hear (or read) the word “wisdom,” what comes to mind for you? Do you picture a wall full of books? Do you picture just one book, the Bible? Maybe you picture a person, God inspired, a personified wisdom, like King Solomon for example. He asked God for this one thing, wisdom, when God asked him what he wanted most. Continue reading “Job 28:1-28 – Where Do You Find Wisdom?”

Ecclesiastes 3:16-22 – Justice for All

Read Ecclesiastes 3:16-22

There is a line in this passage that should be a wake-up call for many. It reads, “In due season God will judge everyone, both good and bad, for all their deeds.” Granted, Solomon was lamenting over corrupt courts, among other things. But his statement rings with truth. Nobody is exempt from God’s justice. We don’t have to worry about all the injustices we see in this world because we know they ultimately don’t matter. God is going to take care of things.

I’ve noted before the tragedy Solomon faced because he didn’t know about the Messiah Jesus. He doesn’t have the hope for eternity we do that keeps us going when we see injustice and abuse of power all around us. We may still find it difficult to truly embrace how God’s power is always in control.

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Ecclesiastes 2:18-26 – Good Things

Read Ecclesiastes 2:18-26

Do you like your job? When we like what we do, it’s a bonus. Too many people head off to work, dreading the next eight hours. Here, Solomon isn’t dreading the work but rather having to leave the fruits of his labor to someone else, presumably undeserving.

The whole matter of inheritance is hinted at here. Solomon wasn’t a fan of working hard so that his wealth could be passed down to others. I imagine that with having that many wives and women in his life, he had an abundant number of children. As offspring of the king, those kids were probably caught in the snare of entitlement.

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Ecclesiastes 2:12-17 – Being Without Jesus

Read Ecclesiastes 2:12-17

We all die. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Does that give us the okay to live our lives in foolish ways? Solomon seemed to think so, not realizing that God watches how we live our lives. All the choices we make in life help shape the people we become.

Fools do walk in the dark. Or should I say those that walk in the dark are fools? What does it even mean to walk in the dark? We are in the dark when we don’t have the truth in our lives. If we’re groping around in the dark, how do we find the light switch? To find the light, we need to find Jesus who is the light.

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Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 – What Brings You Pleasure?

Read Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

In his own words, Solomon said he “had everything a man could desire!” I must admit, the list of things Solomon chased in life while seeking pleasure was quite complete. Most of us will never attain such wealth or the extent of possessions he describes. Why didn’t anything bring him happiness?

It’s easy for us to say, “because you can’t buy happiness.” If we know that to be true, then why do we also seek pleasure in the same way? I don’t think we should be condemned from being happy for having new “toys,” but we need to realize that happiness from those such things will not last forever.

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