Job 28:1-28 – Where Do You Find Wisdom?

Read Job 28:1-28

Job asks this question twice, “But do people know where to find wisdom?” That’s one of those questions that has a little different meaning depending on which word you give the most emphasis as you read it. But in answer to Job’s question, many people think they do know where. Job has been searching for wisdom to explain his situation this whole time. Job is being very thought provoking in this passage.

When you hear (or read) the word “wisdom,” what comes to mind for you? Do you picture a wall full of books? Do you picture just one book, the Bible? Maybe you picture a person, God inspired, a personified wisdom, like King Solomon for example. He asked God for this one thing, wisdom, when God asked him what he wanted most. Continue reading “Job 28:1-28 – Where Do You Find Wisdom?”

1 Chronicles 10:1-14 – Unfaithful Saul

Read 1 Chronicles 10:1-14

The story of Israel’s kings begins with Saul. You’ll recall the genealogies ended with reference to Saul’s family. But right before that the Chronicler had been speaking about those returning from Exile. To get our “bearings,” so to speak, this reading goes back many generations from the time of those returning from exile.

There’s a lot more to Saul’s story that can be read in 1 Samuel. The Chronicler glosses over Saul’s life, but in terms of lineage, we’ve been told Saul was descended from the tribe of Benjamin, Jacob’s youngest son.

In this passage, we see Saul under attack by the Philistines. This rivalry had been ongoing but now turns deadly for Israel’s leadership. The Israel people find themselves without a king or an heir to the throne. How did God let this happen?

Continue reading “1 Chronicles 10:1-14 – Unfaithful Saul”

Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 – This is Not Proverbs

Read Ecclesiastes 7:1-14

Solomon gives us “proverb-like” nuggets of wisdom here. However, I have to say that some of his tips don’t seem that wise to me. Keeping the perspective of when he was writing these thoughts down is helpful to me. Solomon had been exposed to countless false teachings from his many pagan wives. Plus, he didn’t have the promise of salvation we know in Jesus.

When we put our “redemption lens” on this passage, it’s easy for us to clear up some of Solomon’s concerns. I’d rather focus today on several of the observations Solomon got right. Having discussions on each of these points would be fun in a small group, don’t you think?

Continue reading “Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 – This is Not Proverbs”

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